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Presentation on theme: "THEME ANALYSIS ESSAY Peer Editing Process. CONTENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 THEME ANALYSIS ESSAY Peer Editing Process


3 Complete the following by making notes directly on the paper. 1.Read through the paper one time without marking on it. Just get an understanding of exactly what it’s about. 2.Go back to the beginning. Look for the thesis and highlight it. Then, determine if it meets the following requirements. 1.Very last sentence in the introduction paragraph 2.Identifies one theme from the text and makes a theme statement (not just a subject/topic) 3.Is a statement, not a question 3.Focus on the body paragraphs. For each body paragraph, does it… 1.Contain textual evidence (at least one must be a direct quote) that supports the thesis? 2.Explain how that textual evidence supports the theme? 4.Look at the conclusion paragraph. Does it… 1.Restate the thesis in different words? 2.Not include any new information? 3.Bring the paper full circle?


5 Complete the following by making notes directly on the paper. 1.Does the introduction paragraph provide context for the paper? 2.Do the ideas within the paragraphs flow smoothly? 3.Are transition words/phrases used where needed? 4.Does the paper progress in a logical order? 5.Are the quotations introduced with needed context and background? ◦ Direct quotes should not be just “dropped” into the paragraph.


7 Complete the following by making notes directly on the paper. ◦ Now, reread the paper, looking for errors in grammar, mechanics, and conventions. Look out for the following common mistakes: 1.Fragments and/or run-ons 2.Unnecessary commas/missing commas 3.Their/They’re/There and Its/It’s 4.No first person 5.Misspelled words 6.Abbreviations or slang 7.Paragraphs that are not indented 8.Quotation marks around direct quotes


9 Complete the following by making notes directly on the paper. ◦ In-Text Citations ◦ At the end of the sentence in which the information is paraphrased, summarized, or directly quoted ◦ Proper format ◦ Example: (Lee 124) ◦ Format ◦ Double-spaced ◦ 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font ◦ Header on left side of first page only ◦ Page numbers and last name in top right-hand corner of all pages ◦ Centered and bolded title


11 Complete the following by making notes directly on the paper. ◦ After completing all of the previous tasks, think about the paper overall and write the following at the end of the paper: 1.3 strengths of the paper 2.3 possible improvement for the paper

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