Cultural Influence on Media Norah Al-Sharari Nicoya Helm ELPS 760 Fall 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Influence on Media Norah Al-Sharari Nicoya Helm ELPS 760 Fall 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Influence on Media Norah Al-Sharari Nicoya Helm ELPS 760 Fall 2013

2 How Does Mass Media Influence Society? In other words: How do different types of mass media influence different types of people?

3 What is Mass Media Any form of communication which is meted out to the people at large, through the various forms of communication. Any form of communication which is seen and understood by a large mass of people can be taken to mean mass communication or media channels. Buzzel (2013)

4 Examples of Mass Media television, radio, movies, newspapers, and the Internet

5 Influence of Mass Media Positive Youth Increased social, political and cultural awareness (Mokeyane, 2013)Mokeyane, 2013 Development of social skills through social media (Mokeyane, 2013)Mokeyane, 2013 Adults Increased access to democratic process ("New media, globalisation and popular culture," 2013)"New media, globalisation and popular culture," 2013 Greater access to different sources of information (Heisler, 2013)Heisler, 2013

6 Influence of Mass Media Negative Youth Development of negative body image due to media images (Curtis, 2012; Mokeyane, 2013)Curtis, 2012Mokeyane, 2013 Encouragement of negative behaviors (drug abuse, violence, etc.) (Mokeyane, 2013)Mokeyane, 2013 Advertising and encouragement of consumerism (Curtis, 2012; Osborn, 2006)Curtis, 2012Osborn, 2006 Adults Media from dominant culture can “take over” local culture (Osborn, 2006)Osborn, 2006 Advertising and encouragement of consumerism (Curtis, 2012; Osborn, 2006)Curtis, 2012Osborn, 2006

7 Mass Media and Education Possible Benefits Access to all types of educational resources through the Internet Access to cultural resources through global media such as Youtube and satelite TV Possible Drawbacks “Global” culture can replace local culture, including language (Osborn, 2006)Osborn, 2006 Conflict of interest – “free” educational medial may come with advertisements that have messages that conflict with educational goals

8 References Curtis, A. (2012). Mass Media Influence on Society. Retrieved 10/1/2013, 2013, from uenceOnSociety.html uenceOnSociety.html Heisler, M. (2013, 5/20/2013). Mass Media and Its Influence on American Culture. Retrieved 11/1/2013, 2013, from influence-on-american-culture/ influence-on-american-culture/ Mokeyane, K. N. (2013). Media's Positive and Negative Influence on Teenagers. Retrieved 11/1/2013, 2013, from 10506.html 10506.html New media, globalisation and popular culture. (2013). Retrieved 11/2/2013, 2013, from and-popular-culture and-popular-culture Osborn, R. L. (2006). The Influence of American Popular Culture in the Global Media. (Master of Arts in Media Communications), Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri. Retrieved from %20Rebecca%20Osborn%20Thesis-SP2-06.pdf %20Rebecca%20Osborn%20Thesis-SP2-06.pdf

9 Question and Answer

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