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The Holocaust “The Final Solution”. Hitler’s Views Jewish were to blame: –German Loss in WWI –Economic Depression –Jewish conspiracy of World Domination.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holocaust “The Final Solution”. Hitler’s Views Jewish were to blame: –German Loss in WWI –Economic Depression –Jewish conspiracy of World Domination."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holocaust “The Final Solution”

2 Hitler’s Views Jewish were to blame: –German Loss in WWI –Economic Depression –Jewish conspiracy of World Domination Hitler’s Aryan Race –Perfect “Super” Humans –Pure German Race –Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes

3 Nazi – Jewish Propaganda



6 Jewish Persecution Nuremberg Laws –Laws against the Jewish people Jewish were no longer citizens Couldn’t marry Germans Wearing of Yellow Stars Kristallnatch (Crystal Night) – Night of Broken Glass –November 9 th – 10 th, 1939 –Destruction of Homes and Businesses –20,000 Jewish people sent to concentration camps

7 Racial Examinations

8 Destruction of the Jews Hitler’s Extermination

9 Destruction of the Jews In the beginning used bullets

10 Destruction of the Jews Trucks

11 The Final Solution The Wannsee Conference Hitler and Himmler plan the “Final Solution” of the Jewish problem Systematic destruction of the Jewish population Used Industrialization to process the Jewish people

12 The Final Solution Targets of the “Final Solution” –Homosexuals –Gypsies –Handicapped –Jewish Goal: To eradicate the Jewish population in Europe

13 The Final Solution The Processing 1.Able bodied men would be put to work 2.Once deemed unable to work sent to the “showers” 3.Then sent to crematorium or buried in mass graves


15 The Final Solution Men Working


17 The Final Solution "Like the adults, the kids were only a mere bag of bones, without muscles or fat, and the thin skin like pergament scrubbed through and through beyond the hard bones of the skeleton and ignited itself to ulcerated wounds. Abscesses covered the underfed body from the top to the bottom and thus deprived it from the last rest of energy. The mouth was deeply gnawed by noma- abscesses, hollowed out the jaw and perforated the cheeks like cancer". Many decaying bodies were full of water because of the burning hunger, they swelled to shapeless bulks which could not move anymore. Diarrhoea, lasting for weeks, dissolved their irresistant bodies until nothing remained....." "Like the adults, the kids were only a mere bag of bones, without muscles or fat, and the thin skin like pergament scrubbed through and through beyond the hard bones of the skeleton and ignited itself to ulcerated wounds. Abscesses covered the underfed body from the top to the bottom and thus deprived it from the last rest of energy. The mouth was deeply gnawed by noma- abscesses, hollowed out the jaw and perforated the cheeks like cancer". Many decaying bodies were full of water because of the burning hunger, they swelled to shapeless bulks which could not move anymore. Diarrhoea, lasting for weeks, dissolved their irresistant bodies until nothing remained....."

18 The Final Solution

19 In the End –Estimated Total Dead 11,000,000 – 17,000,000

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