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Art Year 1 Autumn Term 1 What shoe for what? Literacy 1.Traditional tales – The elves and the Shoemaker 2.Instructions 3.labelling Maths 1. Shape – 2D.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Year 1 Autumn Term 1 What shoe for what? Literacy 1.Traditional tales – The elves and the Shoemaker 2.Instructions 3.labelling Maths 1. Shape – 2D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Year 1 Autumn Term 1 What shoe for what? Literacy 1.Traditional tales – The elves and the Shoemaker 2.Instructions 3.labelling Maths 1. Shape – 2D e.g. rectangles, circles, triangles 2. 3D shapes – cuboids, pyramids, spheres 3. Measure – long / short longer / shorter Heavy / light full / empty more Science 1. Materials – sorting naming, matching, describing and choosing right material. 2. Forces – squash, bend, twist, stretch Art 1.Drawing and painting 2. – develop techniques 3.Self portraits 4.Painting characters DT Design and build bridges Design and make a room in a house Computing 1.use technology safely and respectfully, 2.keep personal information private; Geography 1.Fieldwork in the local area – houses in the locality 2.Maps – school 3.and home to school

2 Y Whtlg Would you like to see a dragon? SpSs Computing 1.use technology safely and respectfully, 2. keep personal information private; 3. identify where to go for help and support. Science 1. Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses. 2. Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. Year 2 Autumn term 1 Literacy 1.Description 2.stories Maths 1. Identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes including the number of sides 2. Compare and sort common 2-D shapes and everyday objects Geography 1.Where do we live? 2.Where have we been on holiday? 3.Where is in the news? Art Elephant art Emer – collage Pencil observation drawings Water colours DT Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable

3 Computing 1.use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly 2.recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour. Year 3 Autumn Term 1 Geography 1. identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, 2. climate zones, biomes, vegbelts, rivers, mount 3. use maps, atlases, globes to locate countries and descibe features studied 4. use the eight points of a comp four and six-figure grid refs symbols and keys Maths 1. tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12- hour and 24- hour clocks 2. estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; 3. record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours and O'clock 4.use vocab such as a.m./p.m.morni afternoon, noon and midnight 5. know the number of secs in a minute and the number of hrs in a day etc Science Forces – magnets 1.Attract and repel 2.What materials are attracted to magnets? 3.Poles 4.Can Magnetic forces act at a distance? Literacy 1.Travel brochures 2.Non chronological reports 3.Persuasive - adverts Where in the world is Egypt? Art What does modern art in Egypt look like? 1.Ahmed Farid – colour, printing 2.Mohammed Sabry

4 Wht SpSs Literacy 1. Diary 2. Recount 3. Story – Romulus and |Remus 4. Letter from home 5. Non Chronological Report: 8. Information brochure 7. Drama – Roman theatre Maths 1. Mosaic – tessellation symmetry 2. Decimal system Calendar 3. Roman numerals What did the Romans do for us? WOW! Visit Danelaw centre York History 1. Roman empire and impact on Britain 2. The Roman empire by AD 42 and the power of its army 3. British resistance e.g. Boudicca 4. ask questions and weigh evidence 5. develop the use of historical terms 6. Understand that knowledge Comes from a range of sources Geography European study – Italy and surrounding countries Use maps, atlases, globes Year 4 Autumn Term 1 Science States of matter 1.solids, liquids, gases 2.Observe changes when they are 3. heated or cooled 3. Evaporation, condensation Art 1.Mosaics 2.Designing and making jewellery Computing 1.use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly 2.recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour;

5 Year 5 Autumn Term 1 History 1. What do you know about Greece now / Ancient Greece? 2. How did the Olympics begin? 3. Are you Olympian enough? 4. Where can you see The Ancient Greeks today? 5. Life stories – then / now Maths 1.Weight – conversions 2.Statistics – results from mini olympics Science 1. Reversible and irreversible changes 2. Dissolving, mixing, changes of state / link to cooking Literacy 1. Play scripts 2. Newspaper report on mini Olympics 3. Present radio blogs on Olympics 4. Recounts great events 5. Diary of the street runner 6. Greek myths Are you Olympian enough? Art 1.Masks 2.Story through art 3.Greek sculpture – how events were recorded DT Greek food Pottery Computing 1.use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly 2.recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; 3.Identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

6 Year 6 Autumn Term 1 Literacy 1.Discussion royalist or roundhead 2. Letter writing- 3. Newspaper Report battle of Naseby 4.Diary – The Black Death 5. Oliver Cromwell – saint or sinner - biography Maths - measures solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure 2. use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time convert between miles and kilometres Area and perimeter including calculating the area of parallelograms and triangles calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, Science 1. Health and life styles – circulatory systems 2. Fitness then and now 3. Lifestyles then and now Meet The Royals Art Great British artists: Banksy Turner David Hockney History 1.Changing power of the monarchy focussing on The Stuarts and Oliver Cromwell 2.The Plague and the Black death Geography Name and locate counties, cities, regions and features of UK Use 4-6 figure grid refs on OS maps Use field work to record and explain ideas Computing 1.use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly 2.recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; 3.Identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

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