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MODES OF TRANSPORT npor. Eva Slovák Kubalová BRNO, 2014.

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1 MODES OF TRANSPORT npor. Eva Slovák Kubalová BRNO, 2014

2 TRANSPORT movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another MEANS OF TRANSPORT different kinds of transport facilities that are often used to transport people or cargo TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE consists of the fixed installations including roads, railways, airways, waterways, pipelines and terminals (airports, railways stations, bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots and seaports)

3 MODES OF TRANSPORT  by area, in which there is a transport route : GROUND (road, rail, pipeline) SHIP (river, sea) AIR  by subject and way of transport : PASSENGER (individual, public) CARGO (individual, commercial)  by territory : DOMESTIC / regional INTERNATIONAL

4 ROAD TRANSPORT transport of passengers / goods on roads by wheeled vehicles (cars, buses, trucks,...) + high flexibility and availability + for everyone (driving licence) + suitable, „from door to door“ transport (often the initial and final stage of freight transport) + very fast to short distances – expensive – limited (dangerous goods), low capacity – main source of noise and air pollution in cities – dangerous (accidents) – dependance on weather (maintenance of roads in winter)

5 RAIL TRANSPORT transport of passengers / goods by wheeled vehicles running on rail track (= a railway) + large capacity (coal, passengers) + low cost, ecological + fast, safe, comfortable + transport of dangerous goods + long distances + independence on the traffic – timetable – availability (limitations of railways) – we can’t own a train – special equipment for (un)loading of the cargo

6 PIPELINE TRANSPORT sends goods through a pipeline (liquid, gas, oil, petroleum) + long distances + high reliability + safe – high investment – low adaptability – exact location (underground)

7 SHIP TRANSPORT movement by means of a watercraft (barge, boat, ship) over a body of water (sea, ocean, lake, canal or river) + low cost + cheaper than transport by air + high capacity and variability + large quantities of cargo + transcontinental shipping – slow movement – environmental disaster (oil spill) – limited transport routes – dependence on seaports – difficult manipulation when cargo (un)loading

8 AIR TRANSPORT the transport of people / cargo by means of an airplane + the safest and the fastest method of transport (airways, corridors) + large capacity, no limitation – high fuel consumption – expensive – dependance on weather – flight schedule – main source of noise, air pollution – requirement of airport with the infrastructure

9 S U M M A R Y Each mode of transport has : a fundamentally different technological solution, and some require a separate environment, its own infrastructure, vehicles and operations, and often has unique regulations, its own advantages and disadvantages, and will be chosen for a trip on the basis of cost, capability, and route.

10 V O C A B U L A R Y transport route – dopravní cesta domestic flight – vnitrostátní let availability – dosažitelnost, dostupnost reliability – bezporuchovost, spolehlivost freight transport – nákladní doprava wheeled vehicle – kolové vozidlo watercraft – plavidlo body of water – vodní útvar by means of – pomocí, prostřednictvím barge – říční člun oil spill – ropná skvrna fuel consumption – spotřeba paliva

11 In your opinion which modes of transport are the most dominant and why ? Which mode of transport do you prefer and why ?

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