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Physics Semester 1 Review Made by Julia, Lauren and Emily.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Semester 1 Review Made by Julia, Lauren and Emily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Semester 1 Review Made by Julia, Lauren and Emily

2 True True or false: Accuracy is the extent to which a reported measurement approaches the true value of the quantity measured.

3 Precision The degree of exactness or refinement of a measurement is called…

4 When air resistance is so great that acceleration stops What is terminal velocity?

5 Acceleration What is change in velocity?

6 True True or false: X and Y forces cannot mix in any physics equation.

7 In the center of the object When drawing a diagram, where should the origin of the x and y axes be drawn?

8 Newtons (N) What is weight measured in?

9 False: Newton’s Laws are Law of Acceleration, Law of Inertia, and Law of Motion True or false: One of Newton’s laws is called Law of Relations.

10 Force A push or a pull is called what?

11 For finding angles and sides of right triangles What is SOH CAH TOA used for?

12 Normal Force What is the force that the ground exerts on your feet called?

13 False: Vertical and forward motion are both independent True or False: vertical motion is dependent on forward motion

14 Weight The force of friction increases when WHAT is added?

15 Law of Inertia - an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force What is Newton’s Law of Inertia?

16 Five How many sig figs are in 3.0133?

17 True True or false: The force of friction always points parallel to the surfaces in contact.

18 If there is no air resistance then heavier objects do NOT fall more slowly; they fall at equal rates. Do heavier objects fall more slowly than lighter objects?

19 True True or false: In order to effectively complete metric conversions, you should use dimensional analysis.

20 Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration an object experiences as it travels a certain velocity along an arc. Centrifugal force is the imaginary force an unrestrained object experiences as it moves around an arc. What is the difference between centripetal acceleration and centrifugal acceleration?

21 Displacement What is change in position called?

22 False True of false: Static friction exists when you are sliding.

23 Vectors have magnitude and direction; scalars have only magnitude What is the difference between vectors and scalars?

24 a resisting/retarding force What is friction?

25 Meters per seconds squared (m/s ) What unit is used to measurement acceleration (a) and centripetal acceleration (a c )? 2

26 for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction What is Newton’s Law of Interaction?

27 Yes because 10N>4N Will a 5 N box slide if it is being pushed with 10 N but pulled with 4 N?

28 displacement, velocity, acceleration, Force What are some vectors quantities?

29 the mass of an object determines its resistance to movement; the greater mass of an object impedes the overall rate of acceleration What is the Law of Acceleration?

30 Kilograms (kg) What unit is mass measured by?

31 Weight Provide a synonym for The Force of Gravity

32 length, area, volume, speed, mass, density What are some scalars quantities?

33 acceleration towards the center; how quickly an object’s direction changes What is centripetal acceleration?

34 True True or False: A heavy mass is hanging from a string. If the mass is at rest, it will tend to remain at rest.

35 Divide the diameter in half. d=2r How can you determine the radius if only a diameter is given?

36 equal You push against the wall and it makes you move backwards. The force you pushed against the wall must be ______ to the force the wall reacted with

37 Radians per second (rad/s) What unit is angular speed (ω) measured by?

38 The rate of change in displacement of an object moving in a circular path What is tangential velocity?

39 When it is at the same height When an object is thrown upwards, when is its ascending speed equal to its descending speed?

40 One How many sig figs are in 0.001?

41 Radians (rad) What unit is angular displacement (theta) measured by?

42 Good Luck!

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