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The Quest for Gold, Glory and God

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1 The Quest for Gold, Glory and God
European Exploration The Quest for Gold, Glory and God

2 Factors that led to Exploration
Demand for gold, spices, and natural resources in Europe. Support for the diffusion of Christianity Political and economic competition between European empires Innovations in navigational arts (European and Islamic origins)

3 Constantinople In 1453, the Ottoman Turks captured the city of Constantinople. Christian Europe did not want to trade with the Muslim Turks. They wanted a new trade route to the Far East. The maritime nations of western Europe decided to go around Africa or sail west to get to the Far East

4 Prince Henry the Navigator
Founded a school of navigation in Portugal Sponsored Portuguese expeditions to explore coast of Africa

5 NAVIGATIONAL ARTS CARAVEL-A multi-sail ship that can sail in different directions regardless of which way the wind blows. Larger, sturdier than previous ships. ASTROLABE-(invented by the Muslims). Shows latitude by position of the stars.

6 Navigational Arts COMPASS-(Chinese) Shows direction by always pointing due North. Better maps-maps began to include the western hemisphere

7 Establishment of overseas empires
Portugal Vasco da Gama Explored the coast of Africa, Cape of Good Hope, and sailed to India

8 Establishment of overseas empires
Spain- Columbus- “Discovered” New World 1492 Cortes- Conquered Aztecs

9 Establishment of overseas empires
Spain- Pizarro- Conquered Incas Magellan- First expedition to sail around the world

10 Now playing Spanish Explorers Click below.

11 Establishment of overseas empires
England- Sir Francis Drake-First explorer to circumnavigate earth France- Jacques Cartier- Claimed Canada for France

12 The Spread of Christianity
Migration of colonists to new lands Colonists wanted to spread Christianity Catholics and Protestants carried their faith, language, and cultures to new lands Conversion of indigenous (native) peoples Wanted to gain religious freedom and escape religious persecution

13 The Americas Europeans explored and claimed territories in the Americas Europeans emigrated to their country’s colonial claims in North and South America Demise of the Aztec and Inca Empires (conquered by Spain) Led to a legacy of a rigid class system and dictatorial rule in Latin America

14 The Americas Forced migration of Africans into slavery
Establishment of plantation system Colonies imitated culture and social patterns of their parent country

15 Africa Europeans, especially Portuguese established trading posts along the coasts Traded in slaves, gold, and other products Trading posts became center of slave trade

16 Africa’s Indian Ocean Coast
Arabs had already established trading posts Swahili was the common language of trade Intrusion of the Portuguese--established trading posts Impact on Spain and international trade Spain wanted the gold, spices, wealth of the Portuguese. Sent out expeditions to compete with Portuguese

17 Asia India, the East Indies, and China were colonized first by small groups of merchants More merchants and army followed Portuguese, British and Dutch (Portugal, England, and Netherlands) established trading companies Dutch East India, British East India Companies Indian textiles influenced the British textile industry-cotton, design

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