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Vocab Unit 10 Honors 6.0 Mnemonic Devices!. 1. Accrue (v.) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result. SYN: collect, accumulate -My.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Unit 10 Honors 6.0 Mnemonic Devices!. 1. Accrue (v.) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result. SYN: collect, accumulate -My."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Unit 10 Honors 6.0 Mnemonic Devices!

2 1. Accrue (v.) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result. SYN: collect, accumulate -My CREW grows over time…

3 2. Annotation (n.) a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work. SYN: none given NOTE is in the word.

4 3. Bedlam (n.) a state or scene of uproar and confusion. SYN: commotion, pandemonium, chaos If you try to put that LAMB in the BED, there will be chaos

5 4. Covert (adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded. SYN: undercover, clandestine COVert sounds liked COVERED. Both relate to something hidden or disguised!

6 5. Debonair (adj.) pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance. SYN: carefree, gracious DEB is ON AIR all the time, and always looks pleasant in front of the camera.

7 6. Dun (v.) to demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt SYN: (v.) hound, harass, nag If you realize that rent is due today, you may hear this sound in your head…

8 7. Efficacious (adj.) effective, producing results. SYN: effectual, efficient, potent, powerful EFFicacious=EFFective!

9 8. Equanimity (n.) calmness, composure, refusal to panic SYN: tranquility, imperturbability EQUAl MINd OR Equal keeps you calmer than regular sugar!

10 9. Fortuitous (adj.) accidental, occurring by a happy chance SYN: unintentional, unplanned, random, lucky He accidentally hit the lottery and received a FORTUne!

11 10. Gist (n.) the essential part, main point, or essence SYN: substance, core, nucleus GIST sounds like LIST, and a LIST should only include essential parts

12 11. Gratuitous (adj.) freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted SYN: voluntary, unjustified

13 12. Imperious (adj.) overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate SYN: domineering, magisterial Imperious=Imperius (curse) Curse from Harry Potter universe that give total control/dominance over another person.

14 13. Invective (n.) a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language SYN: vituperation, abuse

15 14. Motley (adj.) showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors. SYN: heterogeneous, diverse  Motley Crüe

16 15. Munificent (adj.) extremely generous, lavish SYN: bounteous, liberal Munificent- think “money”; someone with lots of money or wealth could be very generous or spend lavishly.

17 16. Procrastinate (v.) to delay, put off until later SYN: stall, temporize, dillydally

18 17. Provocative (adj.) tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating, annoying SYN: stimulating, arousing, vexing, galling Provocative=Provoking a feeling

19 18. Recondite (adj.) exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding SYN: arcane, abstruse Recondite= re-conduct. The teacher had to re- conduct the vocab PowerPoint because the students did not understand the terms the first time around.

20 19. Reprobate (n.) a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel SYN: scoundrel, blackguard People on probation are sometimes vicious and unprincipled

21 20. Sedentary (adj.) characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place SYN: static, stationary Sedentary sounds similar to DENTAL. Dental work requires sitting in a chair for a prolonged period of time. Think of any time you’ve been to the dentist!

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