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200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts.

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Presentation on theme: "200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 100 pts Vocabulary An expanding Role in Government The Civil Rights Movement cont Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement Other Americans Seeking Rights

2 What is an Boycott?

3 Organized campaign to refuse to use or buy different goods or services

4 What does ghetto mean?

5 Poor run-down neighborhood where one group of people live due to poverty or prejudice

6 What is mandatory retirement?

7 Policy that requires people to stop working at a certain age

8 What is a sit in?

9 A form of protest in which people sit and refuse to leave

10 What is affirmative action?

11 Program to provide more job and education opportunity for people who faced discrimination in the past

12 What was the outcome of Miranda v. Arizona?

13 Miranda Rights, an arrested person needs to be informed of their legal rights

14 What was judicial activism?

15 Laws were overturned if they were unfair, past decisions did not matter

16 Who killed Kennedy?

17 Lee Harvey Oswald

18 What was Lyndon Johnson’s political slogan?

19 “War on Poverty”

20 What is Medicare?

21 Helps people over 65 pay their medical bills

22 Who did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr model himself after?

23 Mohandas Ghandi

24 What did Freedom Rides try to do?

25 Set out to the South to integrate bus stations before being attacked in Alabama

26 What did the Civil Rights act of 1964 do?

27 Outlawed discriminatio n

28 What did Stokely Carmichael preach?

29 “Black Power”

30 What did Malcolm X originally want?

31 Separate black and white communities

32 What did Plessy V. Ferguson say?

33 Separate but equal

34 What did the NAACP do?

35 Challenged laws that prevented equality

36 Who was the first baseball player to cross the Color barrier?

37 Jackie Robinson

38 What did Brown v. Board of Education say?

39 Separate but equal is not legal and schools were being forced to integrate

40 Who had to intervene in Little Rock when the governor would not let students into the school?

41 Federal Troops

42 What does NOW stand for?

43 National Organization for Women

44 What did Hernandez v. Texas say?

45 Excluding Mexican Americans from a Jury is illegal

46 What did the Equal Pay Act do?

47 Women were supposed to be paid the same amount as men

48 What are examples of Disabilities rights Accommodations ?

49 Reserved Parking, ramps, wheelchair lifts and braille

50 What does AARP do?

51 Health Insurance for retired Americans

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