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From Republic to Empire. Results of Punic Wars Rome is master of the Mediterranean Have Spain, North Africa, Greece Divide conquered territories into.

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Presentation on theme: "From Republic to Empire. Results of Punic Wars Rome is master of the Mediterranean Have Spain, North Africa, Greece Divide conquered territories into."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Republic to Empire

2 Results of Punic Wars Rome is master of the Mediterranean Have Spain, North Africa, Greece Divide conquered territories into provinces- each with a governor appointed by the senate Conquered citizens can become Romans- made people want to conform


4 Problems with Victory Suddenly Rome is HUGE- and new territories brought new problems Government had been designed for a city, not an empire. Republic was supposed to be a “brotherhood”- but an empire cannot be 100 years of war had messed up the economy. (especially 2 nd - when Hannibal had been invading) People feel restless and unbalanced

5 From Republic to Empire (3 rd Punic) 146 bc.- 44 bc. (Julius Caesar) is a time of great transition. Clear the Republic wasn’t working- but how do we fix it? (lots of ideas and attempts) Often a time of chaos- some Romans used this period to try to gain power for themselves illegally.

6 Violence and Power Rome is large and often unstable place. Mob violence is common when the people are unhappy. (that is why order is so important) Smart leaders use techniques like entertainment or free food to keep people happy. The army also plays a key role- they are the police. So whoever has the loyalty of the army has increasing power in Rome

7 Julius Caesar One of the most famous men in history- his life is a turning point for Rome Will help create the empire- but will never be emperor. “Born lucky” wealthy, popular, handsome, skilled. Admired Alexander- wanted to rule the world. Became famous as a general for conquering Hispania (Spain) and Gaul (France)

8 The First Triumvirate 60 bc. Senate is unable to handle the gov’t. Agree to pass much of their power to 3 men. Pompey (politician) Julius Caesar (army) Crassus (calm- trust) Caesar sent to Gaul, which he conquers. Give away all his land there, which gets him the loyalty of the army, more popularity. 53 bc. Crassus dies in Greece 52. bc. Pompey orders Caesar to return to Rome- without his army.

9 Ruling Rome Caesar refuses to come when ordered. Stays in Gaul, and organizes a rebellion in the army. 49 bc. Caesar marches on Rome (Rubicon- “the die is cast”) Pompey flees- Caesar chases (first to Greece where Pompey’s army switches to Caesar, then to Egypt, where Pompey is killed by Cleopatra) 46 bc. Caesar is back in Rome- with total control of the government. Declared “Dictator for Life”

10 Betrayal and Death Many people are unhappy with the idea that Caesar is basically king- Rome isn’t supposed to have kings. Others are jealous of Caesar’s power. 44 bc a group of Senators led by Cassius and Brutus decide Caesar must be stopped to save the Republic *** March 15 th 44 bc*** (beware the Ides of March!) Caesar is stabbed to death on the Senate floor.


12 The Roman Empire Immediate struggle for power Octavian- (19 year old nephew) was Heir, but power seemed up for grabs Violence was everywhere

13 The Second Triumvirate Octavian/Mark Anthony/Lepidus join together to hunt down conspirators, and form a new government. Anthony goes to Egypt (falls in love with Cleopatra) Lepidus goes to Gaul/Hispania Octavian stays in Rome Eventually Lepidus retires, Octavian and Anthony split empire- but both want it all Civil war breaks out (again) 31 bc Octavian defeats Anthony/Cleopatra at Actium and becomes undisputed leader of Rome


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