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1 Standards Database: Status of Development NRC/RES/RGDB Tom Boyce Harriet Karagiannis Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) July.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Standards Database: Status of Development NRC/RES/RGDB Tom Boyce Harriet Karagiannis Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) July."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Standards Database: Status of Development NRC/RES/RGDB Tom Boyce Harriet Karagiannis Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC) July 23, 2013

2 Status of Request for Information from SDOs In late April 2013, the Task Group (Harriet) sent a spreadsheet(s) to each SDO (about 35) in NESCC requesting information: –Verify that the SDO standard(s) identified in the RGs were correct –Provide the latest version/date of the standards in the RGs –Provide a description of the changes in the new standard from the one included in the RG. Based on the above, each SDO identify a “Top 5” list of which standard(s) were recommended for the NRC to endorse Information requested by June 14 th 2013 10 SDOs have responded; a few requested extensions Responses of other SDOs TBD Task Group to compile responses and provide SDO Priority Lists to NESCC 2

3 STATUS OF DATABASE During the March 28 th 2013 NESCC meeting ANSI volunteered to obtain a summer college student to assist with the development of the standards database. ANSI (Sally) hired a summer student, Herald Zhang and brought him on board in June 4, 2013 under the supervision of NIST (Cassy). Herald has been systematically reviewing RGs and cataloging the standards that are referenced and endorsed in each of the RGs, then capturing the information in an Access database. Herald has also added new features to make it user friendly that you will be viewing momentarily. Herald has been meeting with NRC/RGDB staff weekly. The Task Group met via webinar in late June 2013 to demonstrate the draft database, and to obtain feedback from the task group members. 3

4 GOING FORWARD Initial database probably completed about the time Herald returns to school in early August. NRC and NIST exploring possibility of follow on resources when Herald returns to school. NRC Plans to add additional NRC documents such as Inspection Procedures, SRPs, Interim Staff Guidance, etc., as resources permit NRC/RGDB exploring with NRC/Office of Information Services how to develop a web-enabled version of the database on NRC’s web site, and assessing any security requirements. Continue to demonstrate database development efforts with Task Group members to obtain SDO feedback 4

5 Herald Zhang 5

6 Topics o Introduction to Intern o Standards Database Scope, Approach, and Functions o Example Use Cases 6

7 Introduction to intern o Background and Qualifications: M.S. Student in Statistics at George Washington University o Collaborative effort: ANSI-hired, NIST-supported, NRC-guided o 9-Week Term Period From June 3 to August 6 7

8 Standards Database o Initial Target : o A Data System that Cross-References Standards in each RG o Software: Access (Part of MS Office) o Built Multi-dimensional Database o Easy to search, update records, and generate reports o Availability to create Web-enabled Database o Scope: About 480 RGs 8

9 Standards Database (continued) o Approach: o Built initial database concept with few RGs o Reviewed with NRC and tweaked – multiple times o Demonstrated for Standards Database Task Group via Webinar and listened for suggestions o Current status: o Finished 400/480 RGs 9

10 Standards Database (continued) o Database Structure: 10

11 Standards Database (continued) 11

12 Standards Database (continued) 12

13 Standards Database (continued) o Functions Available: o Searches o Sorts o Queries / Reports o Examples (Existing Three Reports): o Search Cited Standards by RG Number o Search Cited Standards by RG Title Keyword o Search Standards by SDOs 13

14 Questions 14

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