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CSE 1340 Introduction to Computing Concepts Class 1 ~ Intro.

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2 CSE 1340 Introduction to Computing Concepts Class 1 ~ Intro.

3 Objectives Meet the professor Understand the requirements of the course Have fun!!

4 TA’s START WANT HELP? YES Go to lab class Communicate with your instructor Get help from TA GO HOME NO MAKE AN A+

5 Submitting Homework Due by start of Tuesday’s lecture Student’s responsibility to have work turned in on-time or early. Late assignments not accepted. Your lowest homework grade (even a zero) will be upgraded to a 10 at the end of the semester

6 Submitting Homework Due by start of Tuesday’s lecture Student’s responsibility to have work turned in on-time or early. Late assignments not accepted.

7 Submitting Programming Projects Due during lab hour Student’s responsibility to have work turned in on-time or early. Late programs (accepted 24 hours late, 5pm day after your lab; Friday labs can be submitted on Monday)

8 Submitting Programming Projects Submitted within your lab section in Blackboard. –Four files ProgramX.cpp Source code ProgramX.exe Executable file ProgramX.ppt Structure chart ProgramX.doc Pseudocode design

9 Submitting Programming Projects Should be uploaded to your Blackboard assignment folder at the end of lab class. Can be uploaded by 5pm day after lab Blackboard assignment folder goes away after that time and you will not be able to turn in your program.

10 EXAMS Administered in class and lab No make-up exams unless a valid/ documented excuse has been submitted to your professor BEFORE the exam date EXAM 1

11 Quizzes Unannounced; simple 5-10 minute quiz over current reading material No make-up quizzes under any circumstances Your lowest quiz grade (even a zero) will be upgraded to a 15 at the end of the semester 15 points 8 points 7 points 12 points

12 Quizzes Unannounced; simple 5-10 minute quiz over current reading material No make-up quizzes under any circumstances Can drop lowest quiz grade 15 points 8 points 12 points

13 Method of Evaluation (approximate percentages) Lecture component 70% –Exams 85% –Homework and quizzes 15% Lab component 30% –Programs 90% –IT Labs 10%

14 Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all class lectures and lab sessions. Your grade will be a reflection of the time you spend inside and outside of class.

15 You are expected to create, edit and print out YOUR OWN assignments and take tests without outside assistance. All work is expected to be your own. Academic Ethics

16 You should never look at or review another person’s work for any given assignment; that includes looking at papers or even at the computer screen where student work is displayed. You should never give an answer to or receive an answer for an assignment, or any parts of any assignment, from another person; again, that includes source code, design documents, homework, etc.

17 Academic Ethics If you collaborate with another person for a graded assignment as in the example activities noted above, all parties involved will receive a zero for that assignment. If there are further assignments for which you have collaborated, all students involved will receive an F in the class and a report will be filed with the Honor Council.

18 Academic Ethics The Dean of Computer Science and Engineering and Dean of Students will be notified for further action. All further correspondence will be done through their offices. THEREFORE, it is imperative if you need help on your assignments that you contact your instructor or TA and NOT someone else.

19 Course Outline Programming guidelines See the following attachments:

20 Tues. 11am,1pm, 3pm Wed. 8am,10am, 12pm Thurs. 10am,12pm, 2pm,4pm Fri. 10am,12pm, 2pm

21 Week 2 Assignments (see course outline) Tuesday, Aug. 28, before class lecture begins turn in homework found via a link on your course outline. NO LATES ACCEPTED! In lab, make sure that you can log in to Blackboard and the lab room’s PC’s. Any problems with Blackboard, contact your instructor. Any problems with logging into the PC, contact You will do an Excel spreadsheet exercise and print the programming guidelines from the link at the top of your course outline.


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