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Prefix introduction This is a pretest. You will not receive a grade for it, other than for completion.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefix introduction This is a pretest. You will not receive a grade for it, other than for completion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefix introduction This is a pretest. You will not receive a grade for it, other than for completion.

2 Instructions: In your interactive notebook, on the table of contents page, next to the number 5, write vocabulary #1. Turn to page 5 in your interactive notebook. On page 5, number 1-10 down the side. As you view the following slides, write down the words/prefixes and then your best answer/guess to their meaning.

3 ante

4 anti

5 audio

6 bene

7 chron

8 circum

9 cide

10 cred

11 commun

12 bio

13 ante

14 Let’s see how well you did.

15 ante before

16 ante before

17 ante before

18 anti against

19 audi to hear

20 bene good

21 chron time

22 circum around

23 cide to kill

24 cred to believe

25 commun to share

26 bio living

27 Let’s look at words that use these prefixes and suffixes.

28 antebellum: before the war antecedent:preceding, prior

29 antidote: a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc

30 auditory: pertaining to hearing. audiophile: a person especially interested in high fidelity sound reproduction.

31 benefit: something that is advantageous or good benevolent: desiring to help others; charitable

32 chronological: arranged in order of time chronograph: a timepiece capable of measuring extremely brief intervals of time accurately, as a stopwatch able to record fractions of a second as well as elapsed time

33 circumnavigate:to sail or fly around circumference:the outer boundary, especially of a circular area

34 homocide: the killing of one human being by another suicide: the intentional taking of one’s own life

35 auditory: pertaining to hearing. audiophile: a person especially interested in high fidelity sound reproduction.

36 auditory: pertaining to hearing. audiophile: a person especially interested in high fidelity sound reproduction.

37 credible: capable of being believed Incredible: so extraordinary as to seem impossible

38 community: a group sharing common interests commune: to converse or talk together

39 biology: the science of life or living matter biosphere: the ecosystym comprising the entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it

40 Next week you will be taking a short quiz on these parts of words.

41 It will be a multiple choice quiz made up of ten questions.

42 You will take it in class, on the computers.

43 You will have 5 minutes for 10 questions. Study!


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