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Reporting Status - HMIS portal. Reporting status of Health facilities in 2011-12 : Only half of the facilities are reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting Status - HMIS portal. Reporting status of Health facilities in 2011-12 : Only half of the facilities are reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting Status - HMIS portal

2 Reporting status of Health facilities in 2011-12 : Only half of the facilities are reporting

3 Health Facility Reporting Status 2011-12 District Total Facility Apr-11May-11Jun-11Jul-11Aug-11Sep-11 Facilities reporting % % % % % % BPR 49479648984592489848984898 CDL 38318229763079307929762976 CCP 96717465685860747776797679 SPT 96909490949195889285898892 UKL 58498550864679488343745188 TML 45357836803578306730672658 IE 97626466686062868986898790 IW 91829082908290839183918290 TBL 104858281788582848184818380 Manipur 674552 82 547 81 532 79 571 85 564 84 570 85

4 Health Facility Reporting Status 2011-12 District Total Facility Oct-11Nov-11Dec-11Jan-12Feb-12Mar-12 Facilities reporting % % % % % % BPR 49 489848984898489848984898 CDL 38 28746161334133418472976 CCP 96 727555576265 6865686568 SPT 96 899386908892889288928791 UKL 58 366244764781376429504578 TML 45 296431693067224925563578 IE 97 77796870676961636264 66 IW 91 829083918391829083918189 TBL 104 8380838083808582 798380 Manipur 674 544 81 504 75 521 77 501 74 500 74 537 80

5 Data Quality Checks - HMIS portal

6 Data errors Data errors in monthly HMIS report 2011-12 : District-wise Analysis BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLMNP

7 Number of Data Errors Financial Year: 2011-2012 State: Manipur DISTRICT Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Total Error BPR 12321121232121 CDL 11121111111113 CCP 02133343232228 IE 42414214333435 IW 0000000000000 SPT 63333321144336 TML 11113121111115 TBL 11111111121113 UKL 22322211322224 Manipur 161417151814 1314191615185

8 Reporting pendency - HMIS portal

9 Centre State ForwardDistrict Forward District Draft Block Forward Block Draft Stages of Data reporting in HMIS portal 9

10 Status of Reporting - HMIS portal (2011-12) Data committed by stateLevel 4 Data committed by DistrictLevel 3 Data uploaded but not committed by DistrictLevel 2 Data not uploadedLevel 1 District Annual report Quarterly report Qtr-1Qtr-2Qtr-3Qtr-4 BPRlevel 4 CDLlevel 4level 1 CCPlevel 4 IElevel 4 IWlevel 4 SPTlevel 4level 1level 4 level 1 TMLlevel 4 TBLlevel 4 UKLlevel 4level 1level 2level 4

11 Data Completeness - HMIS portal

12 Percentage of data filled District Tot. Data Items Apr-11May-11Jun-11Jul-11Aug-11Sep-11 Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % BPR230825283488753825182528348 CDL230805979587958765677577754 CCP230844584448544854485438847 IE230875886528552845083548856 IW230864584478346854588478648 SPT230844783457743754776507551 TML230825279538053825181538052 TBL230885486498854875189509050 UKL230925391558750874993469351 Manipur855284518450824985508551

13 Percentage of data filled District Tot. Data Items Oct-11Nov-11Dec-11Jan-12Feb-12Mar-12 Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % BPR230845486508554855286538455 CDL230805781557958805680548057 CCP230854785458850874886478747 IE230885189528950885390558753 IW230844686488749854886478648 SPT230784479457651764777437643 TML230785278507951785680547854 TBL230905090509052904990549052 UKL230875887628455915290579153 Manipur845187518551855086518551

14 Data quality issues in HMIS report 2011-12 1. Under-reporting or no reporting for anemia during pregnancy Hb. Level for ANC BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Hb level<11 (tested cases) 1110242954814213373411583925431 Severe anaemia (Hb<7) 30010055131517131 2. Measles 2 nd dose reporting is very low in many district BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Measles 2nd dose ( No. of children more than 16 months of age ) 923294300537813113993446268 3. Low value reporting for birth dose vaccinations BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Live birth reported13211702449230481658345479332088146236176 OPV 0 (Birth Dose)88822812333428237993814103387332 Hep-B0 (Birth Dose)101472460720480406

15 Data quality issues in HMIS report 2011-12 4. Non - reporting in JE vaccination – a serious concern for MoHFW 5. Diptheria reporting in Ukhrul district in 2011-12 BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccination (>16 months) 000644002460314 Childhood deseaseBPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKL Diphtheria000000003 6. Reported distribution of Cenchromen pills by districts (from where ??) Family PlanningBPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal No. of Centchroman pills given 76796323298189191510651503

16 Data quality issues in HMIS report 2011-12 7. Discharge within 48 hrs after delivery is high for most district. Moreover, PP check-up within 48 hrs is very low in CCP & IE 8. % of C-Section is high in Pvt. Institutions 9. High Abortion rate in some districts BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Total Inst. Delivery (Public + Private) 94664837302866162221161486119474828001 % discharged under 48 hours of delivery 100757792628470996671 % receiving PP check-up within 48 hrs after delivery 131101431296215881436288 Normal % = 15 BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal % of C-section in Public Inst. 009627000017 % of C-section in Pvt. Inst. 271759 1746 Normal % = 10 BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal % of abortion230228406213116

17 Data quality issues in HMIS report 2011-12 10. Under-reporting in line listing of deaths 11. Non-matching of JSY beneficiaries data (quarterly & monthly) 12. False reporting in monthly stock/inventory at district HQ BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Infant & child deaths3075418061356 Maternal deaths12313403320 Other deaths155292217314771224811163 2011-12TypeBPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Home JSY Monthly11287103702207011108982873452 Quarterly10423894935022084011085010294690 Inst. JSY Monthly1699480105324292526815213229855812071 Quarterly14053521596247525268242131891120112483 District-wise Details

18 Data quality issues with HMIS report 2011-12 14. False reporting of delivery cases in many SCsFalse reporting of delivery cases in many SCs 17. Late reporting by districts & blocks hinders the process of data quality checks & timely feedbacks 15.The process of authentication of monthly reports submitted by health facilities needs to be strengthened at all level. This is lacking in many district. Consequence - validation errors & unrealistic figures in the final district consolidated report. 16.District & block data managers should compulsorily verify & check while uploading health facility reports. 18. Annual infrastructure report in the HMIS portal needs to be filled & uploaded in 2012-13. Forms may be downloaded from the download section of the HMIS portal ( http://nrhm- )http://nrhm-

19 Timeliness in Reporting Timely Reporting Districts Late Reporting Districts 1Bishnupur1Chandel 2Imphal West2Senapati 3Thoubal3Ukhrul 4Churachandpur4Imphal East 5Tamenglong


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