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The Road to WWII Homburg American Studies. Hitler’s Goals Bring entire German people (the volk) into a single nation. The nation needed more living space,

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1 The Road to WWII Homburg American Studies

2 Hitler’s Goals Bring entire German people (the volk) into a single nation. The nation needed more living space, or Lebensraum. Hitler’s foreign policy blueprint was set down early in his career To reach its goals, Germany would need to rearm The League of Nations condemned this. But nothing was done to prevent it.

3 Remilitarization of the Rhineland Breach of Versailles treaty and Locarno agreements Britain and France did little British opinion would not permit support of France. France would not act alone France was paralyzed by internal divisions Both countries were weakened by growing pacifism


5 Response to remilitarization G.B. & France lost an opportunity to stop Hitler (French army could have easily defeated Germany) Response was policy of Appeasement- They believed that Hitler’s goals were limited and acceptable

6 Anschluss and Sudetenland Anschluss refers to the union of Germany and Austria Anschluss was a clear violation of the Treaty of Versailles Strategic because Germany now surrounded Czechoslovakia (pro-west, allies with France and Soviet Union) Czechoslovakia contained 3.5 million Germans who lived in the Sudetenland

7 …Continued The Czechs appealed to the British Neville Chamberlain and French Premier Daladier agreed to give the Sudetenland to Hitler Called the Munich Agreement Hitler promised- “ I have no more territorial demands to make in Europe” Chamberlain told a cheering crowd he had brought “ peace and honor. I believe it is peace for our time.”



10 1939 Hitler broke promise and occupied Prague- turning point in British public opinion ¾ of British public believed a war was worth it to stop Hitler. Hitler turns attention towards Poland Chamberlain announces Franco-British guarantee of Polish independence

11 Hitler didn’t take Britain & France seriously and knew they were unprepared for war

12 Italy 1935 Mussolini attacks Ethiopia Exposed weakness of League of Nations Goal was to restore Roman imperial glory, divert attention from domestic problems, and avenge an earlier defeat. Britain and France formally condemned the act- sanctions included limited loans to and imports from, Italy

13 Spain General Francisco Franco (fascist) started three year civil war against Spanish republic Germany and Italy helped, brought them closer together Soviet Union supported the republic w/ military aid


15 The Nazi-Soviet Pact August 23, 1939, Nazi-Soviet nonagression pact Hitler believed he had to ally w/ Soviet Union in order to defend a conquest of Poland The secret agreement split up Poland between Germany and Soviet Union Stalin hesitated on negotiations with G.B. & France because he was left out of Munich Agreements

16 On Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland. Two days later G.B. & France declare war on germany. Soviet Union invades Poland from the east, they encircle Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania Until Spring 0f 1940, little activity on the western front, known as “sitzkrieg”

17 1940 Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg. 300,000 British & French troops evacuated from Belgium to the beaches of Dunkirk French Maginot line (defensive fortifications) ran from Switzerland to Belgium



20 French army was led by aged generals, didn’t know how to use tanks or planes. France collapsed The French Gov’t now located in Vichy collaborated w/ Germans. Vichy was supported by Catholic Church Hitler forced to abandon plans to invade Britain Turned attention towards Russia

21 Operation Barbarossa was launched on June 22, 1941- Russians taken by surprise German’s stood on outskirts of Moscow Hitler stalled to decide strategy- winter devastated German army Soviet’s used the term “great patriotic war” Soviet turning point was battle of Stalingrad

22 U.S. Enters War Day after Pearl Harbor, U.S. & G.B. declare war on Japan (Dec. 1941). New tech. and tactics helped British and U.S. prevail September 1944 France is liberated


24 Defeat of Nazis May 1945 Russians capture Berlin Hitler commits suicide in underground bunker Third Reich lasted 12 instead of the thousand predicted by Hitler

25 The Atomic Bomb August 6, 1945 U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima ( 70,000 dead). Three days later Nagasaki is hit by Atomic bomb U.S. desired end war quickly and save American lives

26 Little Boy Fat Man

27 Before After


29 Preparations for Peace 1941- America and Britain agree to Atlantic Charter- unconditional surrender of the enemy 1943 Tehran Conference- Divide Germany into four zones and self-determination for post-war European nations 1945 Potsdam- Truman, Atlee and Stalin

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