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张月苹 Unit 3Warm-up. Warm-up In this unit you will… Read a magazine article, two Internet pages and a literature extract. Talk about celebrations, give.

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Presentation on theme: "张月苹 Unit 3Warm-up. Warm-up In this unit you will… Read a magazine article, two Internet pages and a literature extract. Talk about celebrations, give."— Presentation transcript:

1 张月苹 Unit 3Warm-up

2 Warm-up

3 In this unit you will… Read a magazine article, two Internet pages and a literature extract. Talk about celebrations, give advice and send, accept and refuse invitations.

4 Listen to dialogues and radio programmes. Write a description of a party. Learn about the Passive.

5 Warm-up 1. Look at the photos. What are the people celebrating?

6 Key Words graduation, a birthday, Christmas, passing and exam, a sporting victory, Mid-Autumn Festival, the New Year, a wedding, Halloween, Dragon Boat Festival

7 Dragon Boat Festival

8 Christmas

9 a wedding

10 Some pictures about celebration. Can you guess what are they? graduation

11 a birthday

12 Christmas

13 ChuXi They are doing dumplings.

14 They are moon cakes. Mid-Autumn Festival

15 Dragon Boat Festival

16 Zongzi Dragon Boat Festival

17 They are celebrating Spring Festival.

18 They are playing the firecracker. Spring Festival

19 Halloween

20 The bride and the groom

21 wedding in the Northeast of China

22 The car used on Wedding

23 2. Listen. Which five celebrations do you hear? Answers: 1 Christmas 2 a sporting victory 3 a birthday 4 a wedding 5 the New Year

24 1> What a lunch! I love turkey and Christmas pudding. We played with the toy laughed at jokes, put on silly paper hats and laughed again. Tapescripts:

25 2> A: What an exciting game! Our team won at last! B: Let’s go and have a drink to celebrate. 3> The boy is blowing the candles on the big cake, with everyone saying good wishes.

26 4> Look! The man is putting a ring on the woman’s finger. How happy they are! 5> …six… five… four… three… two… one… Happy New Year!

27 3. What have you celebrated recently? Tell the class what you did. Example: We had a party at our house to celebrate my grandmother’s seventieth birthday. Speaking

28 4.Writing 根据如下提示写一篇有关中秋节 的作文。(字数 120 左右)

29 1. 中秋节是中国的传统节日。 2. 中秋节是团圆节,是家人团聚庆祝 的节日。 3. 在中秋之夜,人们边吃月饼边赏月。

30 4. 月饼是中秋美食。(果仁的,豆 沙的,大枣的 ―― ) 5. 每年一度的中秋节都会牵动着千 万游子的心。

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