CHAPTER 24 Sexual Feelings and Relationships Lesson 1 Responsible Relationships.

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1 CHAPTER 24 Sexual Feelings and Relationships Lesson 1 Responsible Relationships

2 Building Vocabulary contraceptive A birth control device condom A thin sheath that is placed on an erect penis to catch semen when a male ejaculates spermicide A chemical that kills sperm oral contraceptives Birth control pills LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. diaphragm A dome-shaped rubber cup placed within the vagina and that covers the cervix Lesson Home

3 Sexual Feelings LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Hormones can cause teens to experience a variety of new feelings. Some of these are sexual feelings. When sexual feelings are triggered, the body reacts in specific ways. The face may get hot and flushed. The heart may beat faster. A fluttery feeling may occur inside your stomach. You do not have any control over these feelings. However, you do have complete control over what you do about them.

4 Teens and High-Risk Behavior LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home The choice to have sexual intercourse during the teen years carries enormous consequences including: unplanned pregnancy. sexually transmitted diseases (STDS). Some teens may be influenced by peer pressure. For females, having sex may make them feel special. For males, it makes them feel macho or important. For both, the touching and attention can be important.

5 Consequences of Teen Sex LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home A possible criminal record. In some states, it is illegal for adult males and females to engage in sexual activity with anyone under the age of 18, if the two aren’t married. Potential complications during childbirth. Complications during childbirth may threaten the life of the baby and the mother. Conflicts with friends and family members. Teens who are sexually active may feel committed to their partner, spending a great deal of time with him or her. These teens may choose not to spend time with friends or family members.

6 Making the Healthy Choice LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Abstinence is the only 100-percent effective guarantee against unintended pregnancy and STDs.

7 Contraceptives contraceptive A birth control device LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home New Vocabulary A contraceptive acts as a barrier to prevent sperm cells from fertilizing eggs. Some contraceptives can be bought in grocery or drugstores. Others require a prescription from a doctor or clinic. No device, however, is 100 percent effective.

8 Contraceptives condom A thin sheath that is placed on an erect penis to catch semen when a male ejaculates LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home New Vocabulary Examples of over-the-counter contraceptives include: Condoms A male condom must be used according to instructions on the package.

9 Contraceptives LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Examples of over-the-counter contraceptives include: Spermicides A spermicide is a chemical that kills sperm. Many forms are available. All spermicides are most effective when they are used along with other forms of contraception, such as a latex condom. New Vocabulary spermicide A chemical that kills sperm

10 Prescription Contraceptives oral contraceptives Birth control pills LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home New Vocabulary Oral Contraceptives Depending on the type, the pills either prevent ovulation or affect the lining of the uterus so that it cannot support and nourish a fertilized egg. The pills must be taken every day.

11 Prescription Contraceptives diaphragm A dome-shaped rubber cup placed within the vagina and that covers the cervix LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home New Vocabulary Diaphragms A diaphragm blocks sperm from entering the uterus. It is usually used with a spermicide for added protection. A doctor must measure a female for a diaphragm so that it fits in the vagina correctly and comfortably.

12 Prescription Contraceptives LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Injections A hormone similar to those found in birth control pills can be taken by injection. An injective is effective for three months.

13 Prescription Contraceptives LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Implants An implant consists of six matchstick-like capsules inserted under the skin of a female’s upper arm. The capsules are effective against pregnancy for five years.

14 Sexual Harassment LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Sexual harassment includes any of these actions. Making sexual comments, gestures, or looks Touching, pinching, grabbing Leaning over or cornering Sending obscene letters, sexual notes, pictures, or graffiti Pressuring to do something sexual Pestering for dates after being told no

15 Consequences of Sexual Harassment LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Many students do not know that they are protected from sexual harassment by federal law. The law (Title IX) states that students have a right to an education free of sexual harassment. Once they file a complaint, the school must investigate and take action.

16 Teen Pregnancy LESSON 1 Responsible Relationships BIG IDEA It is important for teens to make responsible choices about sexual behavior. Lesson Home Teens who are pregnant need to take action. The female should find someone she can talk to, such as a parent. The teen should tell her partner. The female teen should see a health professional and begin prenatal care. Prenatal care increases the chances of a healthy baby.

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