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GreenScene Business Presentation Alexi Wiemer Natasha Hinds Darejani (Darina) Markozashvili David Culley.

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Presentation on theme: "GreenScene Business Presentation Alexi Wiemer Natasha Hinds Darejani (Darina) Markozashvili David Culley."— Presentation transcript:

1 GreenScene Business Presentation Alexi Wiemer Natasha Hinds Darejani (Darina) Markozashvili David Culley

2 Mission  GreenScene is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable adaptation to desertification and equipping local farmers with skills to improve agricultural production in Agadez, Niger, Sahel Region.

3 Vision  To increase sustainable agricultural practices within the region, and decrease the impact of desertification

4 Background Information  40% of the Earth’s surface is considered “dry land” (home to 2 billion people)  Since 1960, Africa has experienced seven major drought episodes  Declining crop yields have impacted over 1 Billion people who are unable to purchase or produce food  In 47 countries, their farm economy accounts for 25%-50% of their gross domestic product

5 Goals  Introduce AgroForestry and Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration  Implement Desertification Awareness and Education Program  Utilize diverse set of trees to combat the challenges of desertification  Provide knowledge, expertise, tools, equipment to the participants  Extend the functions once the success has been demonstrated

6 Organization

7 Marketing  AgroForestry  Diverse set of trees to meet the unique challenges within that area (individualized)  Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration  Directly re-vegetated three million hectares of arid land in Nigeria and continues to enjoy success to this day (efficiency)  Desertification Awareness and Education Program  Grass roots level impact and connection

8 Promotion  Internal Promotion: establish credibility  Locale word of mouth  Allow results to speak for themselves  Complemented by Desertification Awareness and Education Program  External Promotion: expand funding and global impact  Grants, private donors, public donations  Strong social media presence  Targeted mailings and brochures  College campus initiative

9 Funding  Private Grants  Public Grants  Private Donations  Sample Funding Proposal

10 Budget Outline  Annual Personnel Costs  Annual Operational Costs  Logistical Expenses  Expenses and Income  Way forward for Budget Gaps

11 Concluding Statement  Decrease the impact of desertification through  Agroforestry  FMNR  Awareness Program  Transform unproductive territory into fertile land  Expand into areas of need

12 Questions, comments? Thank you! Your GreenScene Team.

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