Biology Unit: Genetics Spring, 2013. Genetic Diseases: Many people are affected by genetic disorders; you may even have some family members or friends.

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1 Biology Unit: Genetics Spring, 2013

2 Genetic Diseases: Many people are affected by genetic disorders; you may even have some family members or friends with some of these diseases.  The goal is to research the disorder and orally present information and recent research through a group PowerPoint.

3 YOU will be taking on the role of the teacher!!! -You and a group member (or you may work independently) will be assigned a genetic disorder, and you will be responsible for educating your classmates about that disease. -You must research your disease, write an oral presentation, and put together a power point presentation

4  Grading Rubric: this will tell you how I will be grading your project. -You will also be completing a self- assessment of your project before you turn it in.  ddd

5  THE RESEARCH SHEET IS A HELPFUL TOOL THAT WILL KEEP YOU ON TRACK AS YOU COMPLETE YOUR RESEARCH. -It is easy to lose focus when completing research, and using this tool will help you use your time wisely.  YOU MUST TURN IN COMPLETED RESEARCH SHEET WITH YOUR PROJECT -This tool will assist you in including all required facts in your oral presentation and power point presentation


7  The power point presentation will be a visual aid for your oral report to the class.  WHAT A POWER POINT IS: -A power point is a slide show of images, charts/graphs, videos and text that are short, engaging and memorable to your aidience  WHAT A POWER PONIT IS NOT: -A power point is NOT a copy of your entire oral report!!! Everything that you say should not be on the power point!!!

8  Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disorder in which the amino acid phenylalanine isn't properly metabolized. As a result, the amino acid can build up to dangerous levels in the blood and other tissues, causing mental retardation and other serious health problems. A recent study by Harvard Institute explained the disease in detail: The patient is born with a deficiency in their original genetic makeup. During translation, when the amino acids are usually formed, this amino acid will form incorrectly. The version that forms is much more difficult to break down, which results in the patient not being able to metabolize it. Once it is diagnosed, the disease is very easy to treat: patients are given another amino acid supplement which allows their body metabolize phenylalanine.

9  Why was it a bad example? -too much information!!! Audience could not read -Everything the presenter said was on slide! -Boring! Need to use something ENGAGING, like a video clip of Mary’s son, or her hopes for him.

10 Phenylketonuria  Hereditary disorder in which the amino acid phenylalanine isn't properly absorbed by the body.  As a result, the amino acid can build up to dangerous levels in the blood and other tissues.  Symptoms: mental retardation and other serious health problems.  Mary Hardwick :- Have they caught the disease in time? (Follow w/video clip)

11  Put your project in your own words.  Remember, you are teaching 8 th graders! You do not want to use words that your audience will not understand.  Use the project tools that have been provided  When in doubt, check your rubric! Have Fun!!!

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