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Crime Scene Investigation A Genetic Disorders CSI Project.

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1 Crime Scene Investigation A Genetic Disorders CSI Project

2 Introduction There have been a string of robberies across the country that have the FBI baffled. The perpetrator is referred to by the press as the "Teddy Bear Bandit", because he (or she) leaves a note attached to a teddy bear at the scene of each crime. Unfortunately, that is all that has been left, as Crime Scene Investigation units (CSI) have turned up no physical evidence from the thief (no fingerprints, fibers, hair, blood or any other cells for DNA analysis).


4 The notes left at previous Bandit crime scenes have been determined by the FBI to be mere gibberish, and not pertinent at all. The last note, however, appears to be the break the FBI needs. The Bandit revealed that he/she suffers from a genetic disorder.

5 You and your classmates are the FBI agents assigned to the case of the Teddy Bear Bandit. The Bandit is showing his/her over confidence by leaving you this important piece of information. The Bandit is toying with you because he does not think you will get anywhere with this new knowledge. THIS WILL BE THE BANDIT'S FATAL MISTAKE! He/she grossly underestimates your understanding of genetics. You are so up for this challenge!

6 Although not well-versed in human genetic disorders, you and your fellow agents are determined, through research, to learn as much about them as possible. You decide you will be more efficient as a team if each pair of agents researches a disorder and "briefs" the other agents on them. This way, when the bandit finally slips up and leaves bodily evidence, you will have the background knowledge needed to find and jail him/her.


8 The Task You and your FBI partner will research and become experts on the genetic disorder assigned to you by your "boss". You will then brief the rest of agents with your partner about your assigned disorder. Remember, the safety of teddy bears in America depends on your doing a great job!


10 The Process Your Mission is as follows:  Report on any other names for the disorder.  Report if the disorder is autosomal, sex-linked, or from non-disjunction. In addition, is it dominant, recessive, incomplete dominant, or co-dominant.  Describe the symptoms, treatments and prognosis of the disorder.  Describe how common the disorder is (How many people in the US or world are affected?)  Show a short video clip about your disorder  Have plenty of visuals!

11 The Process Your Mission is as follows:  For all point mutation disorders, include the missing or mutant protein that is the cause of these symptoms, and whether the gene that codes for this mutant protein is dominant or recessive.  For all chromosomal mutation disorders, include a karyotype in a form that can be effectively shown to other agents at the briefing.

12 The Process Your Mission is as follows:  With your partner, brief your fellow agents using as many visual aids as necessary to teach them about these disorders. Be clear, concise, interesting, and personable (do not just read a report). The agents will be taking notes while you brief them, so keep this in mind while preparing your presentation.  You and your partner should work together on the research and presentation of the disorder.

13 The Process Your Mission is as follows:  While your fellow agents are briefing the class about their disorders, take notes on the disorder using your disorder chart.  You will be asked about the genetic disorders on a quiz.

14 HINTS  Include a works cited page  Do NOT copy and paste- rephrase!  Any pictures must have the url printed below the picture.  You must have a short video clip.  Do not be too complex– if you don’t understand what the site is saying, don’t try to include it (rephrase it, learn what it means so you can explain it, or skip it).

15 HINTS  When you present, do NOT just read the slides- BORING!!  Keep it brief! 5-10 minutes per disorder  Don’t include way too much text on each page- make it easy to read!  Include lots of visuals!  PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. You will be graded on presentation skills also!

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