National report - Montenegro Regional Workshop 2: Improving Capacity for Diagnosis of Fish and Molluscan Diseases Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-24.

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Presentation on theme: "National report - Montenegro Regional Workshop 2: Improving Capacity for Diagnosis of Fish and Molluscan Diseases Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-24."— Presentation transcript:

1 National report - Montenegro Regional Workshop 2: Improving Capacity for Diagnosis of Fish and Molluscan Diseases Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-24 October 2013, Hotel Palas

2 Production data 2012  Species/tons  Fish:  Rainbow trout – 500t  Molluscs:  Mussels – 250t,  E.Oyster - ?  Species/farms  Rainbow trout - 26  Sea bass/Sea bream - 2  Mussels -16  European oyster -2

3  Movement/transfers We need veterinary certificate for any import of fry and mollusk. Export for Albania  Importation of eggs/fry/live fish  No data of amounts (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy)

4 Diseases recorded in the country  Viral diseases  Bacterial diseases Aeromonas hydrophila, Furunculosis, Saddle back diseases, Yersiniosis...  Parasitic diseases – several ecto and endo parazitic diseases

5  Fungal diseases - Saprolegniosis  Other health problems - lack of oxygen, strong rain...

6 Diagnostic capacity in the country  Aquatic animal diseases laboratory within country  Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory  Description (diagnostic, research, education)  Diagnostic laboratory (not accreditated methods for fish and mollusk diseases)  Scope and species interest Rainbow trout, Mussels, European oyster

7 Level of diagnostic  Level of diagnostic:  Level 1: Gross observation, general necropsy (external, internal)  Level II: Bacteriology, Parasitology, Mycology, Histology, Cytology  Level III: Immunoenzyme tests, Molecular techniques

8 Analysis of diagnostic capacity  List of diseases and diagnostic methods used (samples VHS, furunculosis, marteiliosis, bonamiosis)  VHS – clinical observation, detection of gross changes,identification by ELISA, RT-PCR  IHN – clinical observation, detection of gross changes, RT- PCR  Furunculosis – Isolation of bacteria on bacteriological media, identification of genus by selective media and general properties, identification of the species by API or any other kit for biochemical identification  Marteilosis, bonamiosis – Cytology, Histology, PCR

9 Surveillance of nationally listed diseases Diagnostic methods Monitoring for diseases of fish and mollusk within Operative programme ELISA, isolation on bacteriological media Sampling / OIE recommendations 12 fish farms 2x per year, For mollusk 2 zones (Kotor – Risan and Tivat bay) 150 animals per zone (2013) Results No positive cases in 2012.

10 Surveillance and monitoring of other pathogens Targeted pathogens and aquaculture species IPN clinical observation, detection of gross changes,identification by ELISA – no positive in 2012.

11 Study of abnormal mortality In a case of abnormal mortality owner inform and veterinary inspector or team of DVL sample fish and mollusk and send in lab for analyses. Diagnostic methods – same as for monitoring Mortality description – mortality reported by fishermen, mortality because of other factors (rain, lack of oxygen) No mortality report in mollusk in 2013 (problems with sea bream)

12 Conclusions and perspectives We coduct monitoring programme for fish diseases last five years Diagnostic of Aquatic animals diseases should be developed. No collaboration with EURL Not enough trained in fish diseases diagnostic We have started mollusk diseases diagnostic this year. Good collaboration with EURL in La Tremblade, France Condacted training in diagnostic of bonamiosis and marteiliosis

13 Future needs Adopting new methods of diagnostic Help in establishing method of isolation of virus on cell cultures Lab training Better collaboration among regional labs Establishing coordination with EURL for fish diseases in Danmark


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