Engineering in business and the environment Lesson 6: Health and safety legislation.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering in business and the environment Lesson 6: Health and safety legislation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering in business and the environment Lesson 6: Health and safety legislation

2 Objectives for this lesson to be able to assess the implications of health and safety legislation for engineering companies.

3 Legislation Health and Safety at Work Act special Acts governing particular industries - mines, railways etc Electricity at Work Act COSHH Regulations special regulations for specific materials, eg asbestos

4 Health and Safety at Work places responsibility on employers and all employees requires risk assessments to be carried out identifies dangerous situations in work assesses risk of injury – if risk significant, remove or modify situation to minimize risk.

5 Electricity at Work Act only defence against liability for accidents is evidence of good practice and regular maintenance fixed installation – regular maintenance portable appliances – register and frequent recorded checking.

6 COSHH Regulations Certification of Substances Hazardous to Health suppliers of materials must provide data sheets data sheets state hazards of use – and precautions to prevent injury employer maintains register of all data sheets materials only to be used in accordance with data sheets.

7 Codes of practice industry standards – voluntary standards setting out good practice.

8 Review objectives to be able to assess the implications of health and safety legislation for engineering companies.

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