African-American Progressives Honors United States History 8.3.

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Presentation on theme: "African-American Progressives Honors United States History 8.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 African-American Progressives Honors United States History 8.3

2 Turn of the Century Black America Jim Crow Laws Poll Taxes Literacy Tests Segregated Facilities Social Practices Sharecropping

3 Enforcement of Jim Crow Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) White-Controlled Politicians and Law Enforcement Ku Klux Klan Lynching

4 Birth of a Nation (1915)

5 The Minstrel Show Reinforces and popularizes black stereotypes through entertainment.

6 Fighting Back – Booker T. Washington Worked to establish vocational training for African-Americans. Thought it was too soon for African-Americans to expect full political rights. Worked openly with the white establishment. Founded Tuskegee Institute.

7 Fighting Back – W.E.B. DuBois Demanded full political rights for blacks immediately. First African-American to earn a PhD from Harvard Wanted a classical education for African- Americans Niagra Movement Helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Urban League

8 Fighting Back – Marcus Garvey Black Nationalist who preached self-reliance Founded the Back-to- Africa Movement (Liberia) Advocated for black segregation and racial purity. Founded Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)

9 Reducing Prejudice Anti-Defamation League –Protects Jews and others from attacks Mexican Americans –PLM –mutualistas Native Americans –Society of American Indians Asian Americans –Takao Ozawa - 1922

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