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22ha site suited for industry & logistics GUGESTI, ROMANIA:

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1 22ha site suited for industry & logistics GUGESTI, ROMANIA:
Key Factors Our Offer Overview Location & Accessibility Woodworking Government & EU grants Contact details

2 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Key Factors
22ha of land & buildings for industrial use; Infrastructure & utilities; Skilled & cheap labor; Accessible location: ports, roads, rails; Strong macro economics; Strategic location suitable for FMCG distribution; Strategic location for export orientated manufacturers; Availability of EU grants; Existing wood processing production lines (12M EUR investment in the years ); Vicinity of raw materials for the wood industry;

3 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Our Offer
Industry & Storage We lease to industrial companies or companies seeking storage spaces in Focsani area: Storage/Production halls (for rent) 500 – 10,000 m2 = 1 Euro / m2 / month Land for green field developments (for sale) 1,000 – 100,000 m2 =15 – 30 Euro / m2 Woodworking Factory We offer companies from the veneer, plywood and other woodworking industries the opportunity to lease all or part of the existing Production lines using the available infrastructure.

4 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Overview
Located in Vrancea county 16 km from the city of Focsani in southeast Romania within 180 km from the capital, Bucharest. Focsani city is the largest in the region and is the administrative and political center of the county The site consists of c. 22 hectars of land with industrial buildings and warehouses as well as 3 production lines for wood processing. The site is fenced and has all the utilities : water wells, sewage, electricity (c kwa). Vicinity of raw material for the wood and furniture industries – beech, oak, futrees

5 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Overview
Macro Overview - Romania Population - Romania - c. 21 million Vrancea county – c. 400,000. Focsani – c. 100,000 Gugesti – c. 5,000 Strong GDP Growth – 2006 – 7.7% % 2008 – 8.9% est. Strong Consumption Growth – consumption in Romania increased dramatically during the last five years, it is the main engine of strong economic witnessed in recent years. Skilled & Cheap Labor - average salary in Romania is c. 450 euro, in Vrancea county c euro, minimum wage is c. 150 euro

6 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Location & Accessibility
Privileged location for export orientated companies: European Road E85 connecting Bucharest with northern Romania and South-East Europe with North East Europe. Existing railway is connected to the site. The 500 thoroughfare railway connects Eastern Romania with the rest of the country and to Eastern and Northern Europe. Constanta Port on the Black Sea located 250 Km from the site. Braila & Galati Ports on the Danube River located 95 Km from the site enabling sea-ships to load containers. 2 free trade zones within 100 km.

7 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Location & Accessibility
Located within 100 km distance from other sizable secondary cities and therefore suitable for industrial companies addressing the FMCG sector



10 22ha site, Gugesti

11 Railways Infrastructure


13 Roads Infrastructure

14 Existing production lines Plywood and veneer Window frames joinery
22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Ideal location for the woodworking industry Existing production lines Plywood and veneer Window frames joinery Infrastructure Electric power supply for industrial facilities Telecommunications Water and sewage supply Heating system Human Resources Trained workforce available in the area 80 years tradition of wood processing in Gugesti

15 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania History of the Factory
Started in 1938 as a sawmill and developed over the years to one of the biggest woodworking factories in Romania; Various woodworking production lines were installed during the years such as sawmills, furniture, plywood, parquet, window/door line; At its peak ( ) the factory employed 1,700 employees; In 1996 the new plywood production line was erected; The plant stopped production 2006.

16 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Plywood Production Line

17 22ha site, Gugesti - Romania Government & EU Grants
Various EU grants mainly for investments in: transforming old factories to modern business facilities waste management environment protection alternative energy Gugesti is located in Vrancea county which is part of the South East Development Region of Romania, enabling easier access to EU grants. Plywood production line can qualify for grants in regards to investments made in ecological energetic facilities.

18 Contact For further information please contact: Dror Rasin
Tel + 40 (0) Mobile + 40 (0) Mobile (0)

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