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 Get a slogans Activity  Read the slogans  Match the appropriate slogan with the company it promotes.

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2  Get a slogans Activity  Read the slogans  Match the appropriate slogan with the company it promotes

3 Essential Questions… 1.Is advertising the best way to reach consumers? 2.Will technology continue to have an impact on the way companies promote products and services?

4  Paid non-personal form of communication businesses use to promote their products  Average person sees hundreds of ads each day  Advertisers use humor, creativity, style and originality to promote products and services  Ads consist of short messages designed to attract your attention, identify a product, and tell you something about it

5  A medium is one channel or system of communication › E.g. television  Media are the members of these channels of communication  Mass Media are all the channels of communication › E.g radio, TV, newspaper, internet

6 UUses writing and pictures to communicate and includes… ›N›Newspapers ›M›Magazines ›D›Direct mail ›D›Directory advertising

7  The most effective means of advertising  Includes › TV  Infomercial › Radio › Webcast : broadcast media made possible on the internet

8  Save your notes as Ch 14 notes (we will take more next class)  Find 3 of your favorite advertisements and write a short bio on each in a typed document (Word) or in a PowerPoint Presentation. Include the following:  Short description of the product or service  Who the advertisement targets? (age, gender, income level, education, occupation)  Was the ad effective? Why or why not?  Would you purchase the product or service?  Picture of product/service  Type and turn in end of class


10  Ads that appear on the internet  Include › Pop-up ads : appear a few seconds when you first log on or during your internet use › Banner ads : ads displayed on the top or bottom of the screen › Screen ads : ads that appear to the left or right of the screen and can be printed for future reference

11  Billboards › Most common form of outdoor advertisements  Transit Advertising : ads placed at transportation hubs or vehicles. › Sides of buses, in subway stations, inside airplane RR.

12  Selecting the advertising media and deciding the time and space in which the ads should appear  Many businesses work with an advertising agency › Business that specializes in developing ads/ad campaigns for clients › Ad Campaign : series of ad messages that share a single idea and themes

13  The frequency is the number of times an audience sees or hears an ad  CPM : cost per thousand, is the media cost of exposing 1,000 readers or viewers to an advertising impression Note: “M” comes from mille meaning “thousand”

14 Print Ad Rates Broadcast Ad Rates  Based on circulation  Based on size of the ad  Based on position of the ad › Premium position or prime position would be back cover or front inside page of a magazine › Newspaper in certain “prime” sections  Based on size of the audience, time of day etc.  Prime time TV is 7 pm-11pm  Drive time for radio is weekdays during the morning or afternoon hours

15  Print notes to get checked  Petsmart Assignment/PP

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