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Leading improvement using the Primary Framework. Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading improvement using the Primary Framework. Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading improvement using the Primary Framework

2 Welcome

3 Objectives To update headteachers on the roll out of the renewed Framework in Luton To introduce the document: Leading improvement using the Primary Framework – Guidance for headteachers and senior leaders To begin to link the cpd models to future training opportunities

4 Aims of Leading improvement using the Primary Framework To strengthen leadership of improved teaching and learning in mathematics and literacy To get the most from the Primary Framework in the school improvement cycle. To help schools use the professional learning models which make the biggest difference To help teachers to understand: - High expectations and progression -Planning to personalise learning -Fit for purpose teaching to engage children -AfL to maximise children’s progress

5 Recap Rationale behind the renewed Framework Documentation and core position papers Key changes eframework CPD roll out Newsletter

6 Update on Subject Leader CPD Literacy Numeracy Where are we now in implementing the use of the renewed frameworks? How does this work link into your school priorities?

7 Using the Primary Framework Key questions we want Headteachers and school leaders to consider throughout the programme: What are your current school improvement priorities in literacy and mathematics? How can the Primary Framework support you in addressing these priorities? What are the implications for your leadership team? What are the professional learning needs of your staff? What are the practical implications?

8 Leading improvement through the Primary Framework Booklet to support Day 1 for Headteachers and senior leaders Section 1- Making effective use of the Primary Framework to inform and guide professional development Section 2- Using the school improvement cycle, linked to school priorities in mathematics and literacy Section 3- What we have learned about effective CPD models in schools which most improve children’s learning

9 School Presentation St Joseph’s Junior school Foxdell Infant school

10 Models of classroom - focused collaborative CPD Coaching Lesson Study Classroom - based action enquiry Activity


12 Y1, Y3 or Y5 CPD focus for teachers Literacy Early reading Improving writing with a focus on guided writing Improving reading Mathematics Mental and informal calculation Progression in number concepts

13 CPD Incorporates follow up school-led, classroom based activities Provides school-based materials (PDMs) Captures best practice to transfer from classroom to classroom and beyond the school

14 Timeline Outline plan for CPD programme in Luton Follow up date and gap task for headteachers

15 Plenary To update headteachers on the roll out of the renewed Framework in Luton To introduce the document: Leading improvement using the Primary Framework – Guidance for headteachers and senior leaders To begin to link the cpd models to future training opportunities

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