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© NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils.

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Presentation on theme: "© NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils."— Presentation transcript:

1 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils

2 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Aims  Analyse key elements of good leadership and management for More Able and Talented (MAT)  Identify roles and responsibilities  Review the school’s MAT policy  Understand cycle of reviewing, planning, monitoring and evaluating provision.

3 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils What is meant by More Able and Talented? In Wales we will use the term More Able and Talented to describe pupils who require opportunities for enrichment and extension that go beyond those provided for the general cohort of pupils. In general terms approximately 20% of the school population may be More Able while the top 2% could be considered Exceptionally Able.

4 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils PROVIDE IDENTIFY PROVIDE Potential into performance = POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES SUPPORT MOTIVATION

5 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils A part of, not apart from  A culture of high expectations, success and achievement for all  Raising achievement and school improvement plans  Curriculum planning  Policy documents  Data sets and data analysis  Self-evaluation  Roles and responsibilities.

6 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Successful schools for all Successful schools are single-minded in narrowing gaps. They:  use data to identify gaps and to make them visible, pinpoint pupils at risk of underperforming and challenge those whose progress needs to accelerate  accept no excuses  take time to understand the needs of each pupil, know what works best for vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils and apply it consistently and relentlessly  evaluate, celebrate and share success.

7 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Successful schools for all (continued)  recognise and unlock potential, including identification of MAT pupils at risk of underachieving  intervene early and effectively, track progress and change approaches where necessary  focus on the progressive development of skills, in particular, literacy and numeracy skills  search out the most effective ways of engaging parents and families and listen to pupils and engage them in sustained dialogue about learning.

8 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Underpinned by... A whole school commitment with strong involvement from the Headteacher and senior leaders who:  communicate their vision  provide the drive and commitment to motivate staff  strive to make it happen and model what matters  talk and listen to pupils, staff and parents.

9 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Roles and Responsibilities  Senior Leadership Team  MAT Co-ordinator  Subject Leaders  Class teachers  Learners  Pastoral Heads  Support staff  Parents  Governors

10 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Reviewing our policy (process is more important than paper) Integrated into other teaching, learning and assessment policies A distinct policy for MAT  Rationale for the policy  Aims  Definitions  Identification Strategies  Roles and responsibilities  Provision: classroom and school  Tracking and targeting  Monitoring and evaluation (greater emphasis on outcomes, data and evidence).

11 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Review/plan/do: do/review/plan PLAN DEVELOP REFLECT METACOGNITION

12 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Your action plan  Agree action points arising from audit analysis  Agree identified training needs

13 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Developing Capacity and Confidence Further staff development can include:  joint curriculum and lesson planning and resource creation  sharing good practice e.g. by peer observations, coaching, team teaching etc. within and between schools, PLCs  work sampling and moderation of work  discussion of what progression and high achievement look like for MAT learners  learner trails  discussion with learner/s.

14 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Leading and Managing: Success Criteria  Agreed policy that underpins your work  Roles and responsibilities understood  Staff committed to developing good practice and an ethos of high achievement and expectations. Leading to:  Development of an action plan, including appropriate CPD.

15 © NACE 2012 Aspiration Ability & Achievement Dyhead, Dawn a Chyrhaeddiad Leading and Managing for More Able and Talented Pupils Background reading Meeting the Challenge; Quality standards in Education for MAT (2008) Curriculum of Opportunity; Potential into Performance (2003) Estyn Supplementary Guidance (2009) Estyn Supporting More Able and Talented Pupils in Primary Schools (July 2011) Estyn Supporting More Able and Talented Pupils in Secondary Schools (June 2012) The NACE Challenge Award Assessment process LA materials

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