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Options Evening ‘Your future, Your choice’ February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Options Evening ‘Your future, Your choice’ February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Options Evening ‘Your future, Your choice’ February 2013

2 National ‘CORE’ offer Subjects compulsory for all: English (1 or 2 GCSE) Mathematics (1 GCSE) Science (2 GCSEs) ICT (in year 10) (1 GCSE) Sport

3 IGCSE IGCSEs are offered in maths and English They have the same standing with universities and employers as GCSEs. IGCSE assessment methods are slightly different to GCSEs, and therefore require a different skill set.

4 Arts Specialism All students need to complete a level 2 Arts course as part of our specialism. Students who successfully complete the arts award in Year 9 can opt out of an Arts subject.

5 EBACC Consider your future: If a student is likely to study science at ‘A’ level we would advise triple science. If considering university we would advise choosing courses that lead to the EBACC (Ma, En, Sc, Ge or Hi & MFL).

6 Applied Courses Practical learning at the equivalent of GCSE grades A*-C. There are limited ‘final’ examinations but continuous assessment over two year.

7 Options Sheet A free choice of subjects; we will write the timetable around student choice whenever possible. We will discuss with individuals and their parents any difficulties with their choices. We will write to all parents with the outcome of their choices by the end term 5.

8 New Options GCSE Photography

9 What happens if a course is over or under subscribed? We will try to put on an additional group. A course may not be able to run if less than 15 students opt for it. We may have to look at using reserve choices but will always discuss this with students before doing so. It is not first come, first served! Last year we had a 95% success rate.

10 Options form: Science





15 Deadlines All choices need to be returned to Client Services by Friday 22 February. The time lines are crucial because of the freedom we are giving parents and students in their choices. Any student who fails to do so will be given a ‘guided’ choice on Monday 25 February.

16 Questions?

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