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Organizing the Children’s Department Time to Get Organized

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1 Organizing the Children’s Department Time to Get Organized

2 “One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.” --A.A. Milne

3 Organizing Styles Visual Spatial (VSL) Learner Auditory Sequential (ASL) Learners Tactile Kinesthetic (TKL) Learners

4 Visual Learner Characteristics Visual learners are those who learn through seeing things. A visual learner:  Is good at spelling but forgets names.  Needs quiet study time.  Has to think awhile before understanding lecture.  Likes colors & fashion.  Dreams in color.  Understands/likes charts.  Is good with sign language.

5 Learning Aids for Visual Learners  Draws a map of events in history or draw scientific process.  Makes outlines of everything!  Likes diagrams and maps.  Take notes, make lists.  Watches videos.  Color codes labels and notes.  Uses flashcards.  Uses highlighters, circles words, underlines.

6 Auditory Learner Characteristics Auditory learners are those who learn best through hearing things. An auditory learner :  Likes to read to self out loud.  Is not afraid to speak in public.  Likes to make presentations.  Is good at explaining.  Remembers names.  Notices sound effects in movies.  Enjoys music.  Is good at grammar and foreign language.  Reads slowly.  Follows spoken directions well.  Can’t keep quiet for long periods.  Enjoys acting, being on stage.  Is good in group settings.

7 Learning Aids for Auditory Learners  Using word association and mnemonics to remember things.  Recording notes.  Taping notes after writing them.  Listening to audiotapes.  Watching videos.  Repeating facts/processes with eyes closed.  Participating in group discussions.

8 Kinesthetic Learner Characteristics Kinesthetic learners are those who learn through experiencing/doing things. A kinesthetic learner:  Is good at sports.  Can’t sit still for long.  Is not great at spelling.  Does not have great handwriting.  Likes science lab.  Studies with loud music on.  Likes adventure books, movies.  Likes role playing. Takes breaks when studying.  Builds models.  Is involved in martial arts, dance.  Is fidgety during lectures.

9 Learning Aids for Kinesthetic Learners  Studying in short blocks.  Taking lab classes.  Role playing.  Taking field trips, visiting museums.  Studying with others.  Using memory games.  Using flash cards to memorize.

10 Some items found in Children’s Office Paperwork: mail, reviews, policies and manuals, catalogs, booklists Props: puppets, finger play items, flannel boards, storytime books, music, craft supplies, games, posters, stuffed animals, stickers, costumes Other: notes, programming ideas, calendars, prizes

11 Put Like With Like Sort items by kind or category -- such as by “summer reading program,” “laptime,” or “craft supplies” Childcraft Education – Clear Storage Bins

12 Vertical vs. Horizontal Storage

13 Divide and Conquer The more shelves and cubbies used, the easier to access stored items. Put smaller items, like CDs, in a basket. Closet & Storage Concepts - Custom Desk Unit

14 Go Vertical Use the height of the room to store items Closet & Storage Concepts – Custom Shelving

15 Store Items Where You Use Them Or bring the items with you with moveable storage Rolling Cart - Brodart Highsmith

16 Weed Constantly As new things come in, old things must go… Give away Throw away Move somewhere else Reuse in a new way

17 Label Everything Use a marker, label maker, post-its or re-useable tabs Post-its from Gaylord Repositionable file tabs from Gaylord

18 Keep It Simple Adopt the habit of doing things the easiest way. Flip through notebook from Brodart

19 Make Snap Decisions The time to do accomplish is NOW! Don’t put off till later what you can do today.

20 Two Heads are Better Than One Ask colleagues or friends for help. Post organizing questions on list-serv.

21 Is this working for me?

22 Clear your desk every day 1. Look through your "to do" list and add new items. Prioritize. 2. Make sure all notes & addresses are transferred to your day planner. 3. Remove manuals & catalogs from desk top. 4. File as you go.

23 Create Systems for You Each person is an individual Use your learning style to organize appropriately

24 Use appropriate tools Visual Spatial (VSL) Learner  Series of inboxes vs. the pile  Mind Map  Color coding  Label Maker  Vertical organizers

25 Multiple inboxes Gaylord BrosBrodart Childcraft Education

26 Mind Map

27 Mind Map Template

28 Color Coding & Vertical Storage Brodart Desktop Organizer Gaylord – Hanging Files

29 Auditory Sequential (ASL) Learners  Talk through a process  Keep a hand recorder to take notes, keep to- do and calendar items  Use mnemonic devices  Have company to organize with  Listen to music while organizing  Repeat back new information

30 Mnemonic Devices Use acronyms or acrostics Example: KISS Create a story

31 Tactile Kinesthetic (TKL) Learners  Walk around as you organize  Stretch often  Use a kitchen timer  Baby steps  Cut out labels  Use different weights and textures of paper  Make a game out of organizing or give yourself a reward

32 Kitchen Timer

33 Using texture Cut out labels from magazines or use press on letters to label Use different weights and textures of papers and card stock for different categories

34 Make It a Game Beat the Clock. Make an exhaustive list of what you want to clean this spring. Set a timer for each item and see if you can beat your own time. Or work at the same time as a friend and the one who finishes first calls the other one. Play the game “how many papers can I throw out in 60 seconds.” Organiz-ercize. Try to incorporate yoga or aerobic moves with your cleaning to “kill two birds with one stone.” Think wax on, wax off. The Big Reward. Give yourself benchmarks in your organizing and cleaning project that you can reward with self-pampering. Creative Visualization. Draw a picture of what the room will look like clean, tape it to a window or mirror, and get to work. Honor Box. Create an art project as you organize. Save parts of the things you throw out to create a memory box or collage as a lasting trophy of your 2008 spring cleaning success.

35 Time to Get Organized Spring Cleaning – Get Started Now!

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