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IB Business & Management

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1 IB Business & Management
Unit 2.1 Recruitment & Selection

2 Learning Outcomes: Describe the methods of recruitment
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methods of recruitment Examine how recruitment enables a firm to achieve workforce planning targets?

3 Why do firms recruit? Expansion – more workers required.
Change – new workers are required with different skills Replacing workers who have left the organisation Replacing workers who have been promoted Why might workers leave an organisation?

4 Why do workers leave? Retirement Move area Better pay
Better job security Promotion in another firm dismissal

5 Task - Recruiting new workers
Create a Flow Chart to show the step by step process that firms have to go through in order to hire a new member of staff.

6 Have you missed out any of these?
Shortlist applicants Advertise the job Draw up Person specification Decision that new staff are needed Appointment Read applications Interviews Draw up Job Description

7 The Job Analysis Process

8 Job Analysis The process of scrutinising the job and verifying:
The roles and responsibilities of the job The skills, qualifications and attributes needed The rewards needed to attract the right candidates From this analysis the job description and person specification are drawn up

9 Job Descriptions Job descriptions are a document that is drawn up to include details about a job What details might be included? Working hours Pay Line Manager Duties

10 A job description might look like this……
Innocent Ltd Job title: Cow van mechanic Department: Operations Hours of work: 40 hours per week Salary: £12,000 – £16,000 Duties & responsibilities: Fix mechanical problems with the ‘cow’ vans. 2. Service, maintain and clean the vans regularly. 3. Keep records logging all problems and fixes to the vans. Below is the job description for the Product Developer vacancy for Innocent. Your responsibilities will include: Keeping abreast of food and health related trends that will influence the development of new products/ranges. Responsibility for the interpretation of product briefs and creating amazing and original new recipes for Innocent. Keeping abreast of the competitive context of our drinks from a product and labelling point of view. Managing the NPD process from concept to 1st production, including supplier management and ingredient choice. Working with our fruit growers and processors to ensure best variety and format for our drinks. To find out more about Innocent and their current vacancies visit: Photo: © Innocent Ltd

11 Person Specifications
Writing a person specification involves looking at the job description and then thinking about the characteristics needed of the person to do the job This could include: qualifications (necessary and desirable) experience (what jobs they should have done before) skills (teamwork, good organization, typing, etc.) attributes (personal qualities and characteristics). Photo: © 2007 Jupiterimages Corporation

12 Task Look at the example job description and person specification
Write a job description/person specification for a job you would like to do when you have first finished in education BE REALISTIC!

13 Job Adverts What information is absolutely necessary to include? What other information would be helpful? Is there any information that it would be better not to include

14 Advertising the vacancy
Once the advert is written, where might the business choose to advertise? What does this decision depend on?

15 The application Process

16 Applications are normally made by a combination of:
Application Form Curriculum Vitae Covering Letter What would be the benefits of using an application form rather than CV?

17 Task Have a look at the application forms for: Starbucks McDonalds
Tesco Which one is the best? Why Which one is the worst? Why?

18 Now applications have been received, how to make sure that the right candidates are selected
The Selection Process

19 Shortlisting It would be too time consuming to interview everyone who applied Shortlisting involves reviewing the applications against the person specification and selecting the best ones to take through to the next stage

20 Why is interviewing necessary?
Interviews Can be carried out in a number of ways….. Telephone Video conferencing Face to Face Panel Why is interviewing necessary?

21 The purpose of Interviews:
To find out more information about the candidate To see if the candidate will fit in with the company culture To assess if the candidate has the personal qualities needed to do the job

22 Good Interviews: All candidates are asked the same core questions
Additional questions maybe added to query details on the application Ask behavioural and situational based questions

23 Some typical interview questions for a teaching job…..
Why have you applied for the job? What can you offer the school? Give an example of a successful lesson that you have taught Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What would you do if……..?

24 Task Two of the group will take the positions of HR managers for Tesco
You will need to prepare 6 questions to ask the applicants The other applicants will apply for a job Who will be shortlisted? Who will impress at Interview?

25 Testing Psychometric Tests Aptitude tests Intelligence tests

26 Assessment Centres Some companies invite candidates in for whole days of assessment activities along with other candidates. Watch the video ‘A day at the assessment centre’ and ‘Assessment centre activity’ What are the assessors trying to find out about the candidates during the day’s activities? Why is it more effective than an interview?

27 References These are 2 referees who can vouch for the candidate.
A final security check Can be written or verbal Why might a previous employer give a good reference to an unsuitable candidate?

28 Internal Vs External Recruitment

29 Internal Recruitment Internal Recruitment External Recruitment This refers to the filling of job vacancies from within the business existing employees are selected rather than employing someone from outside. This refers to the filling of job vacancies with candidates from outside the business. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods?

30 Key Questions… Why is recruitment so important?
How does recruitment enable businesses to achieve workforce planning targets? What could be the consequences if the wrong candidates were recruited? What could be the consequences if recruitment didn’t happen at the right time?

31 Why is recruitment important?
The success of a firm depends to a great extent on the people it employs – why? Labour is usually the single biggest cost a firm has The recruitment process is time consuming and can be expensive It is therefore essential that the firm recruits the right people

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