District Operations Contracts Office / Final Estimates Jennifer Taylor Steve Lange John Burnette.

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Presentation on theme: "District Operations Contracts Office / Final Estimates Jennifer Taylor Steve Lange John Burnette."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Operations Contracts Office / Final Estimates Jennifer Taylor Steve Lange John Burnette

2  Streamline Contracts  CPPR Category 1  Plans & Specification Distribution  SA Coding  Work Orders – Participating & Non- Participating Amounts  Zero Dollar Work Orders  CIM Warranty tracking  Sitemanager / Ad-Hoc Reporting What We’ll Cover Today

3 The Concept The Opportunity The Potential A contract is a contract - regardless of funding or where it is prepared Contracts with a cost of $2 million dollars or less & 2000 tons of asphalt or less Cost & time savings in contract administration Reduction of final estimate process (Less paperwork) Provide consistency where it makes sense Streamline Contracts

4 Contract Administration NTP’s Notice of Beginning and Final Acceptance Sublets Weather Letters / E-Mails Daily’s to be entered in Sitemanager Streamline Process Changes

5 As-Built Plans #1 Final Invoice #2 Time Folder #3 Supporting Documentation for Qty Changes #4 Comp Book for PQ projects #5 Final Estimates Documents Required at Close-Out http://d5web.d5.dot.state.fl.us/operations/01/streamlined_contracts.htm

6  Can a contractor submit and be evaluated for Pursuit of Work against a 6 day or 7 day per week schedule? › YES › The contractor has had the opportunity to submit a schedule all along that showed a 6 or 7 day workweek. If the Department can accept this schedule then that becomes the measuring stick by which the pursuit of work is measured. The contractor cannot bank days. If the contractor submits and we accept a 6 day/week work schedule, for example, then its pursuit would be evaluated against the work of 6 days. If the contractor only worked 5 of the 6 days, then its pursuit percentage that week would be 83%. › The contractor's pursuit, in the event the contractor chooses to abandon the project, would be measured against the 6 day work week of the accepted schedule and would feel the impacts in its grade. We would/should not accept a week to week varied schedule (i.e., 5 day work week one week, 6 day the next, 5 the following, etc.). The accepted work week should be the one that the contractor uses for the job duration. › This only includes an accepted baseline schedule and not the two-week look ahead. If the contractor submits a revised schedule at some point during the project to go from a 5 day to a 6 day work week and we accept it, at that point we would begin measuring pursuit against a 6 day work week. What we won't accept is workweeks jumping back and forth between 5 or 6 days. › When submitting your CPPR to DOCO, let us know the work schedule the contractor was evaluated against. CPPR Category 1

7  Electronic Distribution to DOCO  Paper copies will be distributed for field use › District let contracts2 copies › Tallahassee let contracts4 copies  If additional copies are needed, please notify your resident contract coordinator.  Office staff are to utilize the electronic version where possible. Contract Documents Distribution

8  Work orders need to be coded corretly in the following order: › Root cause reason code (001-911) › Avoidability Code (0-5) (Note that 3 rd party claims is number 5 and not number 3) › Cost Recovery Code (R, N) › Claim/Extended Limits Code (C, N, E)  Instructions for coding contract changes can be found at: › http://www.dot.state.fl.us/construction/Manuals/cpam/N ew%20Clean%20Chapters/CodingContractChanges.pdf http://www.dot.state.fl.us/construction/Manuals/cpam/N ew%20Clean%20Chapters/CodingContractChanges.pdf SA Coding

9 Work Orders – Participating & Non- Participating Amounts  Make sure Funding is coded correctly (CPAM  If it’s premium – then it is NOT participating!  Make sure the correct drop down types are selected in Sitemanager. › What do you do if there are both premium and non-premium costs on the same work order?

10  Standard templates have been established on the internet web site (infonet site is still being prepared)  http://www.dot.state.fl.us/construction/D istrictOffices/d5web/memos.shtm http://www.dot.state.fl.us/construction/D istrictOffices/d5web/memos.shtm  Send Alida notification of all work orders. (You can just E-mail her the tracking sheet and she can get the actual work order out of Hummingbird.) Zero Dollar Work Orders

11  The Value Added Feature portion of CIM should now be used to input all new warranty information for all new projects, as well as updating information for existing projects with value added features. Staff will no longer be required to enter the information in SiteManager for these warranty related items. A one-time data migration from SiteManager to CIM has been completed, so information that was previously entered in SiteManager should now be viewable in CIM. http://webapp01.dot.state.fl.us/contractinformationmonitoring/Sear chCriteria.aspx http://webapp01.dot.state.fl.us/contractinformationmonitoring/Sear chCriteria.aspx  A help guide for the Value Added Features area should be available from the CIM website on Monday, April 6, 2009. Until then, a copy is available on the FTP website listed below. A CPAM chapter is also being developed to provide additional guidance. ftp://ftp.dot.state.fl.us/fdot/co/Construction/CIM_VAF_Manual/ ftp://ftp.dot.state.fl.us/fdot/co/Construction/CIM_VAF_Manual/ CIM Warranty tracking

12  All reports need to be run from the dashboard http://dotscomrep1/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYP E=WORP_INIT_VIEW&WORP_MPV=aa_mpv& http://dotscomrep1/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYP E=WORP_INIT_VIEW&WORP_MPV=aa_mpv&  Shortcut - If you are already in CIM looking at a contract, you can click on “External Links” and select “STARS – State Transportation Ad-Hoc Reporting System” AD-HOC Reporting System on the Dashboard

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