PRESENT PERFECT Ing. Dagmar HÝLLOVÁ. Welcome to this brief English course.

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2 Welcome to this brief English course

3 Present Perfect F O R M :HAVE/HAS + p a s t p a r t i c i p l e Past participle of irregular verbs- - been do - done get - got - See the list of them in the coursebook.

4 Present Perfect Past participle of regular verbs- 1 The common rule is to add -ed work-ed start-ed If the verb ends in -e, add -d live-d close-d love-d 2 If the verb has only one syllable + one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant stopped travelled planned 3 If the verb ends in a consonant + -y, change the -y to -ied studied carried F O R M :HAVE/HAS + p a s t p a r t i c i p l e Spelling

5 Present Perfect F O R M : HAVE/HAS + p a s t p a r t i c i p l e I have been to Paris. He has been to Paris.

6 Present Perfect HAVE/HAS + p a s t p a r t i c i p l e Have you ever been to London? Has he ever been to London? F O R M :

7 Present Perfect HAVE/HAS + p a s t p a r t i c i p l e F O R M : I haven´t been to Egypt. He hasn´t been to Egypt.

8 Present Perfect 1.describes the indefinite past : They have met my parents. 2. describes personal experience : I have heard this music before. 3.The question form is often Have you ever...? / =in your life?/ Have you ever seen this film? 4.Is not used with past time words / last night,yesterday,in 1989.../ I have seen him yesterday.

9 Present Perfect Expresions often used with Present Perfect : f or since I haven´t seen him for ten hours. I haven´t seen him since 5 o´clock

10 Present Perfect Expresions often used with Present Perfect : : Have you ever eaten Chinese food ? : I´ve never seen a ghost. : I haven´t finished dinner yet. : She has been there before.

11 Present Perfect I have watched TV last night. When have you been in Russia ? I live here for five years. How long do you know Paul ? She is a teacher for ten years.



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