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Present perfect simple and continuous. Present perfect simple It is used to que express what a person has done in an unspecified time. Ie. I HAVE SEEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Present perfect simple and continuous. Present perfect simple It is used to que express what a person has done in an unspecified time. Ie. I HAVE SEEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present perfect simple and continuous

2 Present perfect simple It is used to que express what a person has done in an unspecified time. Ie. I HAVE SEEN THE SAME PROBLEMS OVER AND OVER AGAIN I’VE NEVER EATEN CHINESE FOOD BEFORE.

3 To create this tense we need: Verb has / have 1. Has / have + object. ie. He has a car / they have money ie. He has a car / they have money 2. has / have + verb in past participle ie. He has seen that film / We have been to China ie. He has seen that film / We have been to China

4 We will concentrate in the sense of “Haber” Relationships between subjects and verbs HAS:he, she and It HAVE:I, you, we and they Structure would be: S+HAS / HAVE + V P P+ C SHEHASSEEN THE MOVIE THEYHAVE

5 Type of sentences Affirmative: He – she – it + has + past participle ‘s ‘s they - we - they – I + have + past participle they - we - they – I + have + past participle ‘ve ‘veNegative: he – she – it + has not (hasn’t) + V P P They- we – you – I + Have not (haven’t) + v p p Interrogative: Has + S + V P P + C + ? Have + S + V P P + C + ?

6 Time expressions used in this tense ► For: I’ve lived here for 3 years ► Since: I’ve been sick since last weekç ► Just: He has just woken up ► Already:I’ve already listened that cd ► Yet I haven’t seen the movie yet Have you done the task yet? ► Recently:I’ve worked here recently ► Lately:She’s called him lately ► So far:I’ve read 100 pages so far ► Before:Have you eaten chinese food before? ► Ever: Have you ever been to Germany? ► Never:I’ve never lived there.

7 Uses with superlative and ordinal numbers Superlatives: ► The best: ► The worst: Ie. It’s the best film I’ve seen Ordinal numbers: ► First: ► Second: Ie.It`s the first time I’ve ever been to China

8 Present perfect continuous We use this tense to express: ► situations that started in the past and still continue at the moment of speaking. Ie.She has been working for 3 hours. ► Temporary actions and situations in the recent past. Ie. I’ve just been watching the news.

9 Type of sentences ► Affirmative form: S + HAS / HAVE + BEEN + Verb in inf. + ING + C Ie. I havebeen working for 2 hours. ► Negative form: S + Hasn’t / Haven’t + Been + Verb in inf. + ING + C Ie.She hasn’t been cleaning her room. ► Interrogative form: Have / has + S + Been + Verb in inf. + C + ? Ie. Have you been playing lately?

10 Let’s work He hasn’t been brushing his teeth lately, I think. He has never brushed his teeth before.


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