 “Minutes of Glory” and “The Mutants” 9-18-2013.

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1  “Minutes of Glory” and “The Mutants” 9-18-2013

2  Interested in putting your creative ideas to paper? Find yourself writing poetry or short stories in your free time? Want to be involved in adding to Central's creative climate by working on the school’s literary magazine, Writer’s Bloc? If so, consider coming to the first meeting of the semester for Central's Creative Writing Club. The Details: When: Wednesday, September 18th at 3:30 P.M. Where: Room 203 Questions: See Mr. Baum in room 203 before or after school Snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there!

3 Goals  Content Goal: Students will establish connections between the literary terms and the stories that we have reader for class and will further their understanding of the stories through small and large group discussion.  Language Goal: Students will continue to gain an understanding of the literary terms and how they are used in context.  Social Goal: Students will work well in groups and will transition between different activities quickly and efficiently.

4 Quiz  “Minutes of Glory”  What does Ambi cream do?  What happened to Beatrice at the end of the story?  “The Mutants”  Describe the setting of this story. Where does it take place and what significant event happens on this day?  What does the main character see at the end of the story that gives her hope?

5 Overview Activity  To start our discussion on these stories, we are going to break them down and go over the main components of each. Each group will be going over a different aspect of 1 story.  Your group will have 5 minutes to come up with some examples and an explanation of your specific topic for your specific story.  After that 5 minutes, you will quickly share back to the rest of the class

6  Minutes of Glory  Group 1: Plot/Setting  Group 2: Characters  Group 3: Symbols/Theme  Group 4: 2 Important Quotes  The Mutants  Group 5: Plot/Setting  Group 6: Characters  Group 3: Symbols/Theme  Group 4: 2 Important Quotes

7 Discussion Questions  Each group will be given a specific set of discussion questions to look at.  First, each member of your group will work by themselves. Everyone needs to write down the answers to that question individually.  Try to find specific lines/quotes from the story to back up your answers.

8  Minutes of Glory  Group 1: Questions 1-2  Group 2: Questions 3-4  Group 3: Questions 5-6  Group 4: Questions 7-9  The Mutants  Group 5: Questions 1-2  Group 6: Questions 3-4  Group 3: Questions 5-6  Group 4: Questions 7-8

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