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The Renaissance The Bridge Between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance The Bridge Between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance The Bridge Between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era

2 The Renaissance Renaissance means= REBIRTH The REBIRTH of Europe Marked by a time period of great creativity and learning. Begins in Italy because: 1. Great interest in Ancient Rome 2. Italian city-states were wealthy and had the money to spend from trading.

3 Humanism In the early 1300’s, Italians began to study Greek and Roman writers. Leads people to study: Art Artists created great works of art. Patrons- gave artists money to work.

4 Individuals Take Charge People started believing in the ability of humans to do great things. As a result, individuals develop confidence, and people start to work to create better cities and countries.

5 Renaissance Ideas in Action Johann Gutenberg -creates the Printing Press, which increases the production of books. As a result, ideas of the Renaissance are spread throughout Europe. Books are written in vernacular, an everyday language that all people could understand.

6 Dear BFF, Hi! What’s up?! I’m so busy that I can hardly stand it. UGH! I wish that we could B 2 gether right now. Class is good but lame… LOL! I thought you said at the lunch table that you would BRB, but it took you 4 ever! Call me la8er. If I don’t answer I will TM you after dinner. TTYL! Miss U! XOXO Luv, ME

7 Changes in Renaissance Society Farmers leave manors and move to cities. Increases the importance of the nuclear family: MOTHER, FATHER, CHILDREN. A middle class of merchants and craft workers forms. Women are taught to read and write.

8 Examples of People Who Impacted the Renaissance Florence, Italy was the center of the Renaissance

9 Leonardo Da Vinci The Mona Lisa A True Renaissance Man Da Vinci was an Italian artist, painter, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor and writer!

10 Vesalius Vesalius was an anatomist, physician and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy. He studied the internal body, by cutting open dead people.

11 Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus was a navigator, colonizer and explorer. Columbus molded the future of European colonization and encouraged European exploration of foreign lands for centuries to come.

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