Education Functional Community Overall Health of the Workforce Assessment Session 2: 16 November 2012 Ms. Marilee Fitzgerald Director, DoDEA & OSD Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Education Functional Community Overall Health of the Workforce Assessment Session 2: 16 November 2012 Ms. Marilee Fitzgerald Director, DoDEA & OSD Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Functional Community Overall Health of the Workforce Assessment Session 2: 16 November 2012 Ms. Marilee Fitzgerald Director, DoDEA & OSD Education Functional Community Manager

2 Welcome 2 Agenda ItemObjectives Welcome and introductions Purpose and Objectives Review the purpose, objectives and outcomes for today’s session Environmental Scan Significant issues, trends and concerns Table groups to modify ESCAN factors based on a review and segment analysis from Sept 14 meeting Finalize Environmental Scan One ESCAN quadrant assigned to each table Come to consensus on final Education environmental scan factors to include internal and external supply and internal and external demand Validate ESCAN factors over break by commenting on each quadrant posted on chart paper Education Community Workforce Data Review One section of workforce data assigned to each table Review and discuss the Education workforce data in small groups Demographics Data Recruitment Data Retention Data Brief out on issues, trends and other concerns or issues not addressed Wrap Up and Next Steps Confirm the process for writing the report to Congress Review of timeline, writing, review, feedback and input process Meeting Results: Education workforce health assessment sessions completed (content from two sessions is the basis for the 1-2 page summary to Congress)

3  Objectives – Come to consensus on final Education environmental scan factors to include internal and external supply and internal and external demand – Reach agreement on the Education workforce data and identify issues, trends, and areas of concern for the report – Identify the team of writers and confirm the timeline and review process for the report to Congress  Outcomes – 3 members of writing team confirmed – Timeline, writing and review process agreed upon – Final Education environmental factors identified and confirmed – Final demographics, recruitment, and retention data scan issues, trends, areas of concern identified and confirmed Objectives/Outcomes for Today 3

4  Writing Team Nomination and Selection Process – Prior to today’s meeting, EFC members nominated 1-2 persons from each of the following EFC segments: DODEA Child Development Program (CDP) Military Adult and Professional Education Institutions – Carolyn Stevens (CDP); David Rude (LL&D); and Deborah Donnelly (DODEA) received and screened nominations for their respective segments – Final selections made by EFC OFCM Expectations for Writing the Report 4 Selection CriteriaNominee Information Collaborative Experience writing reports to Congress Strategic point of view Must be released from duties the week of 5-9 Nov (Drafting the report at DODEA) Name Grade Title Background (Congressional Communications)

5  Agenda  Presentation slides  Environmental Scan Notes  Education Functional Community Workforce Data Set – Provided in your 14 September binder and on the Web site  Workforce Data Set questions Materials for Today 5

6 Ms. Regan Anderson & Ms. Julia Downs  Review/provide segment analysis of ESCAN from 14 Sept meeting  Modify ESCAN factors Environmental Scan: Significant Issues, Trends, Concerns 6

7 As a large group:  Verify what came of the discussions within your individual segments – Anything new? – Significantly different? – Needing consolidation or refinement? Environmental Scan: Significant Issues, Trends, Concerns 7

8 Ms. Regan Anderson and Ms. Julia Downs  Consensus on Major Environmental Scan Factors – Review of each of the 4 quadrants in small groups – Consolidate ideas – Determine top 3-5 key items Environmental Scan: Table Groups 8

9 Group Table Discussion:  Each table has been assigned one of the four e-scan quadrants – External Demand, External Supply, Internal Demand and Internal Supply – September 14 ESCAN meeting notes used as a reference  In small groups, discuss the top 3-5 key items for your e-scan quadrant – Chart items on easel provided – Designate a volunteer to report out on behalf of the group – Brief out to the large group – top 3-5 key items for quadrant  Over 15-Minute Break – Validate the ESCAN by posting comments on the ESCAN key items charts Environmental Scan: Table Groups 9

10 Break – 15 Minutes 10 Validation of ESCAN Key Items Over break, use post-it notes to leave comments on the ESCAN key items charts

11 Ms. Joy Jones-Haskins and Ms. Julia Downs  Workforce Data Review – Review workforce data in table groups – Identify issues, trends and other concerns or issues not addressed Education Community Workforce Data Review 11

12 Table Group Discussion:  Each table has been assigned a portion of the workforce data set – Demographics, Recruitment or Retention slides  In small groups, review your assigned slides with the questions provided at your table – Chart brief responses to questions on easel provided – Designate a volunteer to report out on behalf of the table – Brief out to the large group – issues, trends and other concerns or issues not addressed  Large Group – Any final comments after table brief-outs? Education Community Workforce Data Review 12

13 Dr. Deborah Donnelly  Wrap Up and Next Steps – Writing the Report to Congress – Timeline Wrap Up and Next Steps 13

14  This information we discussed and reviewed today will be recorded and used for drafting the overall workforce health summary report. Next Steps – Writing the Report to Congress 14 TimelineActions 16 NovemberMeeting – Gather final consolidated Education Functional Community (EFC) Environmental Scan data and draft narratives based on the EFC demographic, recruitment, and retention data o Determine writing team and confirm expectations, process, and timeline for the Report to Congress 19-21 November Writing team meets at Mark Center (sequestered at DODEA) to develop draft Report to Congress using required template (date dependent upon writing team availability) 26-30 November Draft Report to Congress distributed for informal coordination by EFC members (to receive feedback) 3-7 DecemberWriting team revises draft based on feedback (goes to Ms. Fitzgerald) 10-21 December Report to Congress goes out for official coordination (community stakeholder sign-off) NLT 7 JanuaryProvide final submission to CPP (Strategic Human Capital Planning Division)

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