Ideologies.  1920s, 1930s fascism was more of a movement than an ideology  Fascism derived from Italian fascio, which means "bundle", group, or "union”

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1 Ideologies

2  1920s, 1930s fascism was more of a movement than an ideology  Fascism derived from Italian fascio, which means "bundle", group, or "union” ; Strength through Unity  Fascists despised intellectualism and ideology  Analysis of fascism as ideology has centered on historical actions of fascist regimes Theoretical Influences: Irrationalism: rejection of the application of reason and science to social problems and use myth, emotion,and hate as tool of manipulation Social Darwinism: social theories viewing life as a struggle for survival (Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin)

3  It defied key principles of liberal democracy a. individualism b. competition c. Quest for profit and material gain d. Social divisions, fragmentations, and particularisms (pluralism and cultural diversity)

4 1. State is Supreme 2. Ideological Indoctrination of Masses 3. Single-Party State 4. Social Interventionism and Patriarchy 5. Personalized, charismatic Leadership 6. Military Expansionism

5  Individual is insignificant; everyone’s needs are subordinate to needs of the state  Central Motto: “Everything within the State, Everything for the State, Nothing outside the State.”  A New Society Needed to be fostered to create Unity and Cooperation: “Believe; Obey; Work; Fight.”

6  Friedrich and Brzezinski list following criteria for Totalitarian State: 1. official, infallible ideology enjoying almost religious status 2. single party dominates regime, usually led by a single man 3. monopoly on the means of mass communication 4. terroristic policy force eradicating political dissent through coercion and intimidation 5. state possesses a monopoly of the weapons of armed combat 4. state control of major facets of economic life Empirical examples: Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany

7  Active indoctrination of masses with ideology is paramount  Ideology centers on nationalism and racism  Nation becomes identified with a Race 1.Racial segregation in living, working, and breeding 2.Racial supremacy 3.Hitler “Mein Kampf”: Racial Purity is Iron Law of Nature 4.Anti-Semitism in Germany  Extreme (exclusive) Nationalism: stresses membership in a group which is “closed” in terms of racial prerequisites  Membership denied based on genetic, historical, and cultural reasons  Anti-Immigrant

8  Characteristic of a single-party state (one-party system) in which a single political party forms the government and no other parties are permitted to run candidates for election.  Oppositional forces are eliminated  Corporate state: government control over business and labor  Italy: Nationalist Fascist Party (1922-1943)  Germany: National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazi: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

9  Endorsement of social interventionism dedicated to influencing society to promote the state's interests f.ex. Creation of a "new man" and a "new civilization" as part of their intention to transform society. Mussolini: “social revolution” for “remaking” the Italian people. Hitler: aimed to purge Germany of non-Aryan influences on society and create a pure Aryan race through eugenics. Eugenics: belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population by means if controlling reproduction. Negative Eugenics: discouraging reproduction by individuals who have presumed defects or inheritable Positive Eugenics: encouraging reproduction by individuals who are believed to have inheritable desirable traits  Fascism promotes principles of masculine heroism, militarism, and discipline  Rejection of cultural pluralism and multiculturalism

10  Fascist states revolve around a leader who is not only a dictator but the symbolic representation of the nation; the personal representative of the race  People are moved by emotion, not reason  Hitler (1933-1945)  Franco (1939-1975)  Peron (1946-1955)

11  State seeks to aggressively prove superiority and strength of nation through military victories or conquests  International Environment is harsh, and other states and nations threaten the purity and survival of the fascist state

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