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1 Fascism. 2 Totalitarianism  Fascism is a form of totalitarian rule.  Totalitarianism is a form of government that controls or attempts to control.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Fascism. 2 Totalitarianism  Fascism is a form of totalitarian rule.  Totalitarianism is a form of government that controls or attempts to control."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Fascism

2 2 Totalitarianism  Fascism is a form of totalitarian rule.  Totalitarianism is a form of government that controls or attempts to control the totality of human life and completely subordinates the individual to the state.

3 3 Fascism and National Socialism  Italian Fascism and German Nazi Party.  Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) and Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) are the most well known founders of fascism.

4 4 The “Theoretical” Base 1. Irrationalism 2. Social Darwinism 3. Nationalism 4. Glorification of the state 5. The leadership principle 6. Racism 7. Anticommunism

5 5 1. Irrationalism  Fascism is based on irrationality and requires blind faith in the state; it discourages reliance on one’s own intellect.  The masses are irrational and emotional. They should be told what to do & think.  Rational individuals promote self interest; no interest supersedes that of the state.  In fascist ideology the original premise may be logical but the actions to achieve this end may not be.  Fascist ideology relies on the “myth” of blood, soil, etc.

6 6 2. Social Darwinism  Life is a struggle for survival within and between each species.  The struggle purifies the race.

7 7 3. Creation of a nation or identity  Nation = identifiable cultural/ethnic group.  Pride is associated with your particular ethnic group.  The individual does not matter, the group is everything.  Ex. Nazism sought to create a pure, Aryan state

8 8 4. Glorification & membership to the state  The state is the carrier of the culture and spirit of the people, the driving force that brings the people together.  The state is also synonymous with nation or nation state.

9 9 5. The leadership principle  Each subordinate owes absolute obedience to his or her immediate superior, all the way up to the Führer.  The Führer’s will is the peoples will, and vice versa.  The Führer could do no wrong.

10 10 6. Racism  A pseudo-scientific idea that views the human species as divisible into sub-groups or “races”.  Those outside of the “nation” seen as enemies  This point connects perfectly with point 2, 3, & 4.

11 11 7. Anticommunism  Liberalism and Marxism are both based upon “reason”. Fascists opposed these ideologies largely on this ground.  Reason does not align with national interests.  This aligns perfectly with point 1.

12 12 Organizational Makeup of Fascism

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