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Chapter 8. Arrangement of the work  Denotative analysis Denotative analysis Denotative analysis  Characters Characters  Setting Setting  Narrative.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8. Arrangement of the work  Denotative analysis Denotative analysis Denotative analysis  Characters Characters  Setting Setting  Narrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8

2 Arrangement of the work  Denotative analysis Denotative analysis Denotative analysis  Characters Characters  Setting Setting  Narrative technique Narrative technique Narrative technique  Message Message  Language and info Language and info Language and info

3 Denotative analysis The eighth chapter is arranged into four novels: 1. 1.What is like to be a freetail bat? In the novel the writer tells the story of a clony of bats, and their nocturn life. Life in the cave is unbridled, made of sex and fun. 2. 2.What is like to be a Vampire bat? In the novel the writer tells the story of what a vampire must to do in order to survive. 3. 3.What is it like to be a bat? In the novel the writer tells the story of a bat which had been a man. in his previuos life. So the topic is the one of transmigration of the soul. 4. 4.What is like to be a blind bat? The novel tells the story of a totally blind bat; bats are usually able to distinguish shapes, but the bat in the novel is unable to do this any more. It does not know the reason, but he probably feels to have been punished.

4 Characters   M*rt*n Am*s   Irv*ne W*lsh   S*lm*n R*shd**   S*m**l B*ck*tt They do not act in the chapter They are only the author of the novels reported in the chapter

5 Setting Uknown setting, even if maybe the teacher is reading the works of her students in her house or may be in the university campus.

6 Narrative technique   Some novels use direct speech The narrator uses this device to make the novels more real and because the memories are not often ordered in the human mind.

7 There is not a particular narrative technique. You can consider the chapter as a collection of novels.

8 Message The narrator uses the novels written by his students to argue about the changing of the stream of consciousness. I Think that the behaviour of those creatures (bats and vampire) is a metaphor for man’s behaviour. In the third novel the writer connects the condition of the bats with the one of the man. So the comparison with bats makes us fall into a condition of incivility, because bats show an incivil behaviour, which if not bad for animals, it is not suitable for men.

9 Language and info Reading the seventh chapter we learnt some new words: 1. 1.To hang= appendere/attaccare 2. 2.To wink= battere le palpebre 3. 3.To squeak= guaire, squittire 4. 4.To gobble= trangugiare 5. 5.To zap= eliminare 6. 6.Fruitfly= piccola mosca 7. 7.Crevice= fessura, crepa 8. 8.Eaves= cornicione 9. 9.Ceiling= soffitto 10. 10.Likewise= altrettanto 11. 11.Faulty= difettoso 12. 12.Blip= puntino, segnale sonoro 13. 13.Pedestal= basamento 14. 14.Basin= bacinella 15. 15.Stain-less= senza macchia 16. 16.Lured= adescato

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