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Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Field. On a Personal Note - 9th yr Teaching Fourth Grade (love it!) -Blue Mound Resident -Millikin Gradutate (Bachelor’s)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Field. On a Personal Note - 9th yr Teaching Fourth Grade (love it!) -Blue Mound Resident -Millikin Gradutate (Bachelor’s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Field

2 On a Personal Note - 9th yr Teaching Fourth Grade (love it!) -Blue Mound Resident -Millikin Gradutate (Bachelor’s) -EIU Graduate (Master’s) -Bowling, Camping, and Crafts -I am a “people” person & want your child to succeed & grow this year!

3 Summer vacation has ended just in time to begin a wonderful new school year!

4 Daily Procedures Agenda Board Red = HW and tasks that must be returned the next day Stars made in agenda books = FABULOUS DAY! Please sign agenda each day Please read your child’s Friday Note

5 Grades On average, all subjects will receive 2 grades per week. Grades typically posted on weekends. spelling pretests will be given on Tuesdays -held accountable for studying missed words as HW and test preparation.

6 What is to Come? AR is calculated into reading grades –Suggested to have students read at least 30 min each evening –Reward Parties/Movies Family Projects will come home –Native American Diorama and report –Volcano Project –Poster Projects HIGH EXPECTATIONS (behavior, honesty, & responsibility) SUPPORT & GENUINE INTEREST in your child’s education.

7 “Reader Leaders” Our goal is to have at least 1 guest per month read to our students. -seeking contact information for those who are available during the school day -career role models are desired (i.e. police officers, veterans, corporate workers, doctors, family members…)

8 Building Procedures All visitors must enter through the front door and sign in at the office. Students should not be in the classroom before or after school unless I am here. We have an answering machine.

9 Contacting Me (2 X’s daily) (217) 692-2535 (7:30a.m.-3:30p.m. & BEYOND) Mark your calendar for P/T Conferences during the week of October 27 th.

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