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31.1 Pathogens and Human Illness Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 65 Topic: 31.4 Immunity and Technology Essential Question(s): 1.Under what circumstances might.

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Presentation on theme: "31.1 Pathogens and Human Illness Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 65 Topic: 31.4 Immunity and Technology Essential Question(s): 1.Under what circumstances might."— Presentation transcript:

1 31.1 Pathogens and Human Illness Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 65 Topic: 31.4 Immunity and Technology Essential Question(s): 1.Under what circumstances might antibiotics NOT be useful in treating a disease caused by a pathogen? 2.Summarize: Write out the steps that your immune system takes when you are vaccinated. 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 31.4 Immunity and Technology KEY CONCEPT Living in a clean environment and building immunity help keep a person healthy.

2 31.4 Immunity and Technology KEY CONCEPT Living in a clean environment and building immunity help keep a person healthy.

3 31.4 Immunity and Technology The risk of getting sick increases when there are many people in one area

4 31.4 Immunity and Technology How do we control the spread of disease? –Cleaning supplies –Medicines –Vaccines –Technologies that help to prevent against sickness OR treat people who are sick Pg. 64

5 31.4 Immunity and Technology Many methods are used to control pathogens. Antibiotics and antiseptics cause pathogens to burst.

6 31.4 Immunity and Technology Antiseptics kill pathogens outside of the body. –do not target specific pathogens –examples include vinegar and soap Antibiotics kill pathogens inside the body. –target one specific bacterium or fungus –not effective against viruses

7 31.4 Immunity and Technology Antibiotics are over used and over prescribed!!!!! –Leads to antibiotic resistance

8 31.4 Immunity and Technology Antibiotic resistance can cause medicines to become ineffective. –Some bacteria develop an immunity to antibiotics. –These bacteria spread the gene, making the antibiotics useless.

9 31.4 Immunity and Technology Vaccines also control pathogens and disease. –given to prevent illness –contain the antigen of a weakened pathogen -(contains the dead, weakened, or inactivated pathogen)

10 31.4 Immunity and Technology Vaccination provides immunity. –stimulates a specific immune response –allows immune system to respond quickly to infection –causes memory cells to be produced –has such a fast response, a person will not get sick

11 31.4 Immunity and Technology Immunity and Vaccination 3m 6s Vaccines and the Treatment of Viruses 3m 27s P. 64 Antibiotics Vaccines Antibiotic Resistance (5m4s) Antibiotics (1m33s)

12 31.4 Immunity and Technology WORK ON NOTEBOOK!!!! NOTEBOOK Check on Wed Ch. 31 Test on Wed All labeling Test on Wed Wednesday is an important day!!!!

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