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MELTING POT. American holidays remind us the specific way of their history, their economic and cultural development, their way of life.

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2 American holidays remind us the specific way of their history, their economic and cultural development, their way of life.

3 THANKSGIVING DAY The history of Thanksgiving Day is connected with the pilgrims who sailed to America in 1620. They landed in the place now known as Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.

4 The Pilgrims’ first winter in the New World was difficult. They had arrived too late in the year to grow any crops. Without fresh food many of the pilgrims died.

5 The following spring the Indians taught them how to hunt, fish, plant, and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621the Pilgrims had а great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate it.

6 They prepared a three-day fast of turkey, corn, beans, and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends who brought food to the feast to share with them too.

7 In 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgivin g as a national holiday.

8 Nowadays Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. They eat different food: roast turkey, beans, corn, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, cranberries or cranberry sauce

9 The Most Irish Day ST. PATRICK`S DAY is the Christian feast day, which celebrates ST. PATRICK, the patron saint of Ireland. It's the main national Irish holiday.

10 Large parades take place every year in Dublin and in most Irish towns and villages. It is celebrated on the 17th of March not only in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, but all over the world.

11 Special Food Traditional meal is Corned Beef and Cabbage with baked potatoes. Traditional drinks are punch and beer.

12 People celebrate ST. PATRICK`S DAY by wearing clothes of green colour.

13 Green River in Chicago

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