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Early Exploration Columbian to Pre English Colonization.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Exploration Columbian to Pre English Colonization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Exploration Columbian to Pre English Colonization

2 Early Early Explorers Leif Ericson 11 th Century Why limited Exploration prior to 1492? Small Kingdoms Merchants Provincial Subsistence Roman Catholic Church

3 Nationalism/Commerce Population Growth Rise in land values Increase in wealth and prosperity What happened when people started to become more wealthy? Merchant Class Shipbuilding New Governments Centralized Power

4 Marco Polo/Prince Henry the Navigator

5 Marco Polo and Exploration Early 14 th Century Spices, Cloths, Dyes Tough overland to Asia. Expeditions in the late 15 th century are financed. How and Why? What Country is Prince Henry From? Portugal PH Explored West coast of Africa Christian Empire Six years after PH’s death…. Bartholomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco da Gama to India in 1497-98 Pedro Cabral Discovers Brazil 1499

6 Diaz, DeGama, Cabral

7 Columbus West not East Why did he think he could sail West not East to get to China? Misconceptions – Small World – Big Asian Continent – Narrow Atlantic

8 Needed Dough If Portugal wouldn’t fund Columbus’s ideas he would go where? Spain Queen Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon Where did he set sail for? Left for Japan Ten Weeks later Thought he had hit Japan but really landed where? The Bahamas! From there he thought he had sailed to China but in reality where was he? Cuba Captured Natives and returned home in triumph! Called them Indians because he believed them to be from the East Indies in the pacific.

9 Ferdinand and Isabella

10 Columbus Died in obscurity Did not have much in America named after him. After three voyages to the Americas 1498 discovered a new continent How did he determine that? Orinoco River Believed that he was fulfilling a mission from god. But helped to ensure that Spain would invest more money in exploration.

11 Vasco De Balboa 1513 Picked up where Columbus left off and Cut across Panama to be the first European to see the pacific for the first time

12 Ferdinand Magellan Found the straits of Magellan Struggled through the stormy area at the bottom of South America and when he reached the ocean to the West he named it the…. Pacific because it was so peaceful by contrast Killed in the Philippines by natives First Circumnavigation of the globe

13 Conquistadors What did the Spanish view the New World as initially? How did that viewpoint change? Early Spanish settlers to Caribbean Find Gold Cortes 1518 Leads 600 guys into Mexico What did he think he would find?

14 Cortes How did Cortes successfully engineer the downfall of the Aztec Empire? Brutality

15 Discoveries of Mineral Wealth Lots of Explorers Pizarro Conquest of Peru DeSoto Florida and to the Mississippi Coronado American Southwest Subjugated and brutalized and in some cases Coronado gave the plains Native Americans unexpected boost… How? What did he leave behind?

16 Horses

17 Pizarro,DeSoto, and Coronado

18 Sorry……. I meant this DeSoto

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