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Expository Introduction How to write a good intro!

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Presentation on theme: "Expository Introduction How to write a good intro!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Expository Introduction How to write a good intro!

2 What goes in the intro? An introduction for an expository piece needs to include several things: Attention Grabber Claim/Thesis/Controlling Idea Plan of development These components work together to introduce the topic clearly and to establish a tone.

3 Attention Grabber Grab your reader’s interest with: An interesting fact A startling statistic or percentage A quotation An anecdote or a scenario A statement of wonder A rhetorical question A greeting/complement Language from the topic SOMETHING to provoke thought and interest on your topic!

4 Thesis/Controlling Idea/Claim The statement that shows your reader the topic and sets the tone for writing. Ex. Rockmart Middle School needs a class on movie making.

5 Intro with positive statements It is true that Rockmart Middle School is already a wonderful school to attend. Students have course options to choose from such as Band, Business Computers, and Public Safety. However, additional classes would make it an even better school. A class on cooking would be a fun addition to the rigorous class load required of students at RMS. A cooking class would fill the school with delicious smells and delighted students.

6 Intro with a question! Have you ever wondered what it would be like if everyone in the school had a chance to participate in a fun class outside of the normal classroom? A football class is just what the school needs to get kids out of the regular, mundane classroom and into a fun, hands-on learning environment.

7 DO NOT Say: Hi, hello, hey, etc. Say: My Name is Say: Today I am going to talk about/today I will write about/let me tell you about… THIS IS ALL INEFFECTIVE WORD CHOICE! Also, do not: Use bad or disrespectful language Insert erroneous details Give away too much of your detail

8 Ineffective INTRO Hi, my name is Hanna, and I have something to say about classes. I am going to tell you about Fun Class. It is where everyone has fun.

9 Ineffective We should have a class on something new. I like dog training. That would be fun.

10 Ineffective I think a class on hunting is good. People should add it. Here’s why.

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