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Presentation Outline a)Introduction b)Test Development c)Learner registration d)Printing, packing and distribution e)Test administration f)Marking g)ANA.

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2 Presentation Outline a)Introduction b)Test Development c)Learner registration d)Printing, packing and distribution e)Test administration f)Marking g)ANA Verification h)Support to Learners i)Conclusion

3 Introduction Standardised testing is an international practice that serve as a useful tool for assessing student achievement and can be used to focus intervention on desired outcomes. USA : NAEP Brazil:Prova Brasil UK:Key Stage tests Australia:Core Skill Testing S Africa:ANA ANA 2012 - 27 days to go

4 Introduction ANA provides credible and reliable information for monitoring progress in learner performance towards achieving the national goals of “improving the quality of basic education”. Key expected effects:-  Serve as a diagnostic tool identifying areas of strength and weakness in teaching and learning  Expose teachers to better assessment practices.  Provide districts with information to target schools in need of assistance.  Encourage schools to celebrate outstanding performance.  Empower parents by providing them information about the education of their children.

5 Introduction ANA 2012 will be administered in Grades 1 to 6 and Grade 9 in public schools and at Grade 3 or 6 in independent schools. The credibility of ANA is determined by: - The assessment instrument - The administration of the assessment - The marking and moderation of assessment - The analysis Stringent measures will be implemented to validate the test administration process and thus enhance the credibility of ANA 2012.

6 Limitations of the ANA 2011 First administration of an assessment on this scale. Formulation and translation of certain questions. Test administrative procedures were not followed strictly. Marking may not have been consistent across schools. Systems for collecting the data from schools, capturing and cleaning, proved to be inadequate.

7 Learner performance results (VA) Grade 3 mean score (%)Grade 6 mean score (%) LiteracyNumeracyLanguageMaths EC 393529 FS 37262328 GP 35303537 KZN 39312932 LIM 30202125 MPU 27192025 NC 28212728 NW 30212226 WC 43364041 NATIONAL 3528 30

8 Level, trends & quality of performance: Literacy 8

9 Level, trends & quality of performance: Numeracy 9

10 Test Development All tests for grades 1 to 6 and 9 in Mathematics and Language have been set, moderated, edited, externally reviewed and quality assured. Subjected to scrutiny by an Advisory Committee comprising of international experts. Tests have been adapted for the deaf learners as well as for the blind. Tests for the blind are being brailled.

11 Learner Registration Learner registration schedules distributed to each school. Service provider appointed to capture the registration schedules on GET system. Capture process completed end of June 2012. Registration schedules printed and forwarded to schools for verification Amendments being captured on the GET system. Triangulation of GET data with SNAP 2012 and workbook data

12 Learner Registration Total (learners)CapturedCaptured % Total (schools)CapturedCaptured % EC 1 106 441 1 069 121 96 5755 4954 86 GT 1 099 503 1 101 643 100 2559 2204 86 KZ 1 570 847 1 507 451 96 6180 5720 93 LP 925 247 897 72197 4073393296 MP 587 187 577 29999 1931175291 NC 168 7177 168 474101 61154990 NW 461 796 438 013 94 1669143586 FS 394 457 390 729 99 1437134093 WC 606 726 595 732 98 1636 145089 Total 6 920 9216 746 18397 25851 2333690 12

13 Printing, Packing and Distribution Printing, packing and distribution for four PEDs has been outsourced to a service provider appointed by DBE. Four PEDs i.e. MP, NW, WC and KZN have opted to take responsibility for the printing, packing and distribution. Printing and packing is currently underway. Distribution points have been established in each of the PEDs, from where tests will be collected by school principals.

14 Printing, Packing and Distribution Setting of ANA Tests 30/06/12 Printing of ANA Tests 03/08/12 Packing of ANA Tests 17/08/12

15 Printing, Packing and Distribution Provincial Warehouse 24/08/12 Distribution Point (220) 31/08/12 Schools 14/09/12

16 Test Administration Administration categories: Universal ANA (U-ANA); Verification ANA (V-ANA); Independent Schools Orientation for test administration conducted in all PEDs in July 2012. Further cascade orientation sessions are still to be rolled out to districts to eventually cover all schools, starting 13 August 2012. Test Administration Manual developed and will be printed per school.

17 Marking Marking Guideline discussions will be hosted in Pretoria for Grades 3, 6 and 9. Each PED will host provincial marking guideline discussions. Marking will take place at school level under the supervision of the school principal. Senior teacher and HoDs will be responsible for school moderation. All marking, moderation and mark sheets must be completed by 26 September 2012. School-based marking will also involve the marking of all grades in special schools.

18 Centralised Moderation) Grades 3, 6 and 9 scripts will be sampled for centralised moderation. Sample of between 3 to 15 scripts per school, per grade, per subject will be sampled. DBE has developed a Marking Manual for marking and moderation processes. The PED is responsible for selection, appointment and payment of marking personnel, marking centres, and the overall conduct and management of all marking processes. Marks will be captured centrally in the province by a service provider.

19 ANA Verification ANA Verification will be conducted by an independent Verifying Agent. Sample size: - Grades 3, 6 and 9: 2168 schools nationally (approximately 125 schools per province). - Grades 1, 2, 4 and 5: 450 schools nationally (50 schools per province) Monitor the test administration in each of the schools. Tests collected from schools and marked independently. Capture and process data.

20 ANA Verification Test responses will be captured per question – produce an Item Analysis Report. Final Independent Report presented to Minister.

21 Support to Learners Analytical report with national, district and school data. Guideline on the utilisation of ANA data. Detailed qualitative analysis report on ANA 2011 – highlighting specific areas of weakness with proposed remedial measures. First set of exemplars handed out to district directors during a meeting with the Minister on 19 April 2012. Second and third sets are now available. Developed a full test for pre- ANA revision. Assessment guidelines which specifies the scope and depth of ANA 2012. Teachers, parents, SGBs, officials and communities are called to support learners in preparation for ANA 2012.

22 Support to Learners Focus on curriculum coverage – Curriculum Coverage Monitoring tool. Teacher Accountability and Class Attendance. Focus on Early Childhood Development. Literacy and Numeracy (LITNUM) Plan. Focus on Maths, Science and Technology (MST) Plan

23 Conclusion ANA processes are on track. Progress made in achieving the goals of Action Plan 2014 will become evident with the outcome of these tests. ANA is more than a test, it is a diagnostic tool that guides the Nation on route to developing quality basic education. “ANA comes once a year: Literacy and Numeracy last a lifetime”

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