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Nature Nature vs. Nurture Ryan G. Luis H.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature Nature vs. Nurture Ryan G. Luis H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature Nature vs. Nurture Ryan G. Luis H

2 Nature vs. Nurture Debate
The debate within Psychology of someone’s Behavior/ Personality is influence by their genetics or how they were raised and environment.

3 What Nature determines
Part 1 Physical characteristics are determined from genetic inheritance/ DNA. Color of eyes, hair, pigmentation of the skin and certain diseases are inherited.

4 What Nature determines
Part 2 Height, weight, hair loss, life expectancy and vulnerability to illnesses can be genetically inherited from family. This information has led people to question if personality, mental ability, and behavior are determined before we are born by our DNA.

5 What Nature Determines
Part 3 Every 1 in 200 child births are born with a defect. Inherited homosexual gene through the generations.

6 Nature= Brains The IQ of an individual is also determined by heredity or “nature”

7 Studies A set of mono zygotic twins were reared apart at birth and reunited years later. The twins possessed more commonalities and equalities as a set of twins growing up in the same home.

8 Studies Another study that was made was on adopted children
They found little similarity between adopted children and their siblings, and greater similarity between adopted children and their biological parents. This example also shows how important the role of nature plays on a child's development.

9 Nature Nature refers to all the evolutionary factors that have shaped the genetics that we have inherited from our parents and ancestors. Nurture Nature

10 Resources/cited pages

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