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Nature vs. Nurture. Nature Vs. Nurture Controversy What is caused by heredity and what is caused by the environment. Heredity: characteristics obtained.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature vs. Nurture. Nature Vs. Nurture Controversy What is caused by heredity and what is caused by the environment. Heredity: characteristics obtained."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature vs. Nurture

2 Nature Vs. Nurture Controversy What is caused by heredity and what is caused by the environment. Heredity: characteristics obtained from genes. Environment: a person’s surroundings, which influence the person’s characteristics. Nature= genes and heredity Nurture = environment and how you were raised. Twins offer a way to find out!

3 Famous Twins

4 Twins Dizygotic: twins who develop from different eggs fertilized by different sperm. Not identical. Like siblings born at the same time. Monozygotic: twins who develop from one fertilized egg. Identical twins. Same DNA Tell your partner the difference between these two twins.

5 What is the Same? So if twin genes are the same then will they have the same abilities, interests, and personalities. In other words, will they develop the same? Write down there two traits you think twins would share because of their same DNA. – Not Physical Traits

6 Separated at Birth F79LY F79LY What are similarities and differences between these two sisters. Which traits do you think were due to nature (genes) and which to nurture (environment)?

7 We’re Still Learning There have not been enough twin studies done to be sure of everything determined by genes but we do see it playing a big part in our development!

8 What Did We Learn Fill out Nature vs. Nurture worksheet.

9 Parenting Styles

10 Silent Reading Read and take notes on pg. 299 Parenting Styles.

11 Parenting Style Reflection #4 you need to get comments from your parents.

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