Consider this… “Effective leaders see what is essential and ignore the rest…focus on what is vital and eliminate all of the extraneous distractions…stop.

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Presentation on theme: "Consider this… “Effective leaders see what is essential and ignore the rest…focus on what is vital and eliminate all of the extraneous distractions…stop."— Presentation transcript:


2 Consider this… “Effective leaders see what is essential and ignore the rest…focus on what is vital and eliminate all of the extraneous distractions…stop doing the senseless things that consume so much time and energy.” -Jim Collins, Good to Great

3 Objective Participants will demonstrate comprehension of the Millard Public Schools Staff Evaluation Program by reviewing the 2 Phases and 3 Purposes.

4 Provided Today CD has resources we are describing today  MPS Staff Evaluation Handbook  Administrator Addendum

5 Introductions Dr. Jim Sutfin, Executive Director Human Resources Mrs. Heather Phipps, Assistant Principal Dr. Kim Saum-Mills, Director of Staff Development

6 Background 2006-2007 Teacher Evaluation Committee met to research best practice November 2006 – survey of 700 teachers & administrators 2007-2008 Pilot Implemented at 5 buildings 2008-2009 Full District Implementation – Staff Evaluation Committee Continued – Review & Reflect & Revise

7 Program Goals District’s focus on learning Spend more time with probationary teachers Visit all teachers’ classrooms more frequently Increased teacher reflection Increased dialogue between teacher & administrator Streamline the current evaluation system

8 Purpose of Staff Evaluation What do you consider the purpose of Staff Evaluation? Turn to your neighbor and share.

9 Purpose of MPS Staff Evaluation Accountability: to ensure all students learn the academic and life skills necessary for responsible living to ensure that Practices That Promote Successful Student Learning continue in the classroom

10 Purpose of MPS Staff Evaluation Professional Growth: to foster the continuous improvement of teaching and learning by teachers

11 Purpose of MPS Staff Evaluation School Improvement: to promote the integration of site-based plans and the district strategic plan with instructional improvement through staff development

12 Staff Evaluation Program Appraisal Phase Continuous Growth Phase

13 Appraisal Phase Probationary Teachers or Special Circumstances: in-district transfers new teaching assignment not meeting district standards/Millard Instructional Model administrative discretion

14 Appraisal Phase Components Classroom Observations 3 classroom observations: 2 of 3 should be for full instructional periods. Full instructional period observations are announced and require a completed Pre- observation Form

15 Appraisal Phase Components Classroom Observations Post-observation reflection form completed by teacher Post-conference required to discuss the observation Written report not finalized until after dialogue

16 Appraisal Phase Forms & Process Pre-observation Form Post-observation Reflection Form Classroom Observation Form Appraisal Report

17 Process Time

18 Appraisal Phase Components Spring Conference Review Appraisal Report of teacher’s performance related to the Practices That Promote Successful Student Learning.

19 Consider This… “One of the most promising strategies for providing leadership is brief and focused visits to the classrooms for the purpose of observing, first hand, the instruction that is provided and the needs of staff and students in the school.” -

20 Appraisal Phase Components Instructional Walk-through Observation Not a drive-by Several conducted based on the district expectations: CISS (Curriculum, Instruction, Student Engagement & Safety) Millard Instructional Model Best Practice 5 Minute Minimum Observation

21 Consider This… “To what extent are the students learning the intended outcomes of each course?” - Rick DuFour, The Learning-Centered Principal

22 MPS 4-Part Objective The participant/learner will demonstrate ___________________ of ____________________ (Bloom’s Level of Thinking) (Skill/Concept) by _______________ ________________________. (Bloom’s Power Word) (Activity that Demonstrate the Learning)

23 Objective Participants will demonstrate comprehension of the Millard Public Schools Staff Evaluation Program by reviewing the 2 Phases and 3 Purposes.

24 Process Time

25 Consider This… A goal without a plan is just a wish. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

26 Continuous Growth Review Permanent Certificated Teachers ONLY Continuous Cycle

27 Continuous Growth Review Fall Conference (By end of September)  Discuss and establish goals that increase student achievement (Must be S.M.A.R.T. goal…may be their PLC goal.)  Discuss administrative expectations with the teacher  Discuss professional growth  May need to discuss past years’ experience

28 Continuous Growth Review Progress Check (December-February)  Progress check may be via an e-mail or a face- to-face meeting

29 Continuous Growth Review Spring Conference (February - April)  Teacher brings  Completed Continuous Growth Reflection Form  Evidence of progress toward goal  Documentation of professional growth

30 Consider this… “Even though I had made frequent visits to this teacher’s classroom…I had no data on how much her students were learning.” -Kim Marshall, Edge/PDK International

31 Continuous Growth Review Evaluator will document in Continuous Growth Report WHAT was shared: – Narrative of successful reteaching activities – Examples of student work – Examples of data from common formative assessments – Evidence of peer observations – Examples of student and/or parent feedback – Analysis of video taped lesson(s) – Evidence of collaborative lesson study – Evidence of learning application from workshops, conferences, or staff development sessions

32 Continuous Growth Phase Components Instructional Walk-through Observations Same as Appraisal Phase

33 Continuous Growth Phase Forms Continuous Growth Report Year-long form SMART goal – student achievement focused Continuous Growth Reflection Form

34 S.M.A.R.T Goal Specific & Strategic - How will this specific goal support progress toward the long-term goal? Measurable - What evidence will be collected to show this goal has been accomplished? Attainable - What are the plan of action steps that will make this goal attainable? Results-Oriented - Is this the results wanted? Time-Bound - When will there be evidence that the goal has been met?

35 Evaluate S.M.A.R.T. Goals 85% of students will pass a thesis writing assessment with an 80% by the end of the first semester. All students will pass a thesis writing assessment with an 80% by the end of the first semester. What is the difference between these two S.M.A.R.T. Goals? – Share your thoughts with your neighbor.

36 Select Staff Evaluation School Counselors School Social Workers School Psychologists Information/Technology Specialists Special Education Itinerant Staff


38 Purpose of MPS Staff Evaluation Accountability: to ensure all students learn the academic and life skills necessary for responsible living to ensure that Practices That Promote Successful Student Learning continue in the classroom

39 Purpose of MPS Staff Evaluation Professional Growth: to foster the continuous improvement of teaching and learning by teachers

40 Purpose of MPS Staff Evaluation School Improvement: to promote the integration of site-based plans and the district strategic plan with instructional improvement through staff development

41 Reflect To whom are you giving/sharing this CD? What are 3 things you are going to share? What questions do you still have?

42 Just for Fun! What not to do as a supervisor! YouTube Video

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