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DelPHE – Development Partnerships in Higher Education.

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1 DelPHE – Development Partnerships in Higher Education

2 British Council Our purpose: 'We build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide.‘ Our three areas of work: building understanding, trust and dialogue between cultures creating opportunity for people to participate in the creative and knowledge economy tackling the threats presented by climate change

3 British Council (cont) UK Headquarters: Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh, London and Manchester Overseas: We work in more than 100 countries and territories around the world

4 What is DelPHE? UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) is investing up to 15 million in DelPHE to support the building and strengthening of capacity in HE in 22 countries across sub-Saharan Africa & Asia. Programme commenced in June 06 and will run until March 2013.

5 Goal of DelPHE To enable HE institutions to act as catalysts for poverty reduction and sustainable development by strengthening research, teaching and consultancy bases and promoting crucial MDG and science and technology related knowledge and skills.

6 UN Millennium Development Goals All proposals must have realistic outcomes and a clear connection with at least one of the MDGs. -Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger -Achieve universal primary education -Promote gender equality and empower women -Reduce child mortality -Improve maternal health -Combat HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases -Ensure environmental sustainability -Develop a global partnership for development

7 Expected outputs Partnerships must be fully sustainable & deliver results in at least one of the following areas: Internationally recognised joint research Strengthened portfolio of MDG and science & technology related programmes and courses Professional development and training for students and staff at HE institutions Increased support for gender parity Improved networking & exchange of information & ideas between partner HEIs Improved management and administration at HEIs in focus countries

8 Who can apply? The lead partner must be a HE institution from one of the 22 focus countries. A broad definition of HE institutions has been adopted – it includes universities, colleges, research institutes & medical institutions. The project must be locally owned and driven by development needs of the focus country. Partners should ideally have some project management experience and previous involvement in international collaboration.

9 DFID’s 22 bilateral focus countries Africa: Democratic Republic Of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia & Zimbabwe. Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam & Yemen.

10 Types of partnership Partnerships may be formed with any HE institution from across the globe; i.e. projects do not need to involve a UK partner. Partnerships between other focus and non-focus countries in the south are particularly encouraged. Partnerships can involve a number of departments, institutions & countries, increasing cross-country & cross-regional sharing of experience and knowledge. Proposals can be in any subject area as long as they will contribute towards the overall goal of DelPHE and a fundamental commitment to the MDGs.

11 What can be funded under DelPHE? Support will be for a maximum of 3 years. Funding levels vary from £15,000 - £50,000 depending on the complexity and scope of project. DelPHE provides ‘seed’ funding primarily for travel/subsistence and supporting activities. Full financial guidelines can be downloaded from the DelPHE website.

12 How to apply? 1 application round per year. Next opportunity will be for funding under round 5 starting in 2010-2011. Local deadlines – approx end of Jan/mid Feb 2010 Applications need to be submitted to the BC office in the country of the lead partner. Application forms & guidance notes available on the DelPHE website or from the local BC office.

13 Management & Responsibilities DFID provides core grant funding for projects. BC is responsible for the management and delivery of DelPHE on behalf of DFID. The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is responsible for encouraging south-south partnerships and identifying synergies with other programmes and donors. HE institutions provide staff time & use of facilities at no direct cost to the DelPHE programme. DelPHE Steering Committee (members include representatives from DFID, ACU, Universities UK and the BC) make final decisions on applications and set appropriate funding levels.

14 Scale of DelPHE There are currently 122 DelPHE projects supported under funding rounds 2, 3 and 4. 80 projects in Africa 42 projects in Asia Funding is split approximately two thirds to Africa and one third Asia. DelPHE Selection Committee judge all proposals on merit – no set funding allocations for individual countries.

15 Example One DelPHE funded partnership between University of Malawi and University of Strathclyde (UK) To enhance and sustain newly established Centre for Water, Sanitation and Health (WASHTED)

16 Example Two DelPHE funded partnership between Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) in Rwanda and UNESCO Centre for Comparative Education at University of Nottingham in UK Education for community cohesion in Rwanda through cross-national discussions and development of teaching skill strategies

17 Example Three DelPHE funded partnership between University of Kinshasa, DR Congo and Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Childhood Survival in DRC – what can we learn from household surveys?

18 Further information DelPHE website – DelPHE team UK – + 44 (0) 161 957 7671 Stephen Dunnett –Project Delivery Manager – 44 (0) 161 957 7135

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