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YEAR 6 PARENT MEETING. The Team Mrs Cox Mrs Varey Mrs Hughes Mrs Kelly.

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2 The Team Mrs Cox Mrs Varey Mrs Hughes Mrs Kelly

3 P.E. kits – Need to be in school, clearly labelled for their outdoor P.E. on a Monday and their indoor P.E lesson on a TUESDAY. During the winter we recommend warm clothing to wear (tracksuit). Swimming- KITS- trunks/ costumes WC 5/10/14 &12/10/15- every pm – letters to follow Snacks – We are a healthy school and we would ask that any snacks that the children bring in are healthy such as fruit, vegetables, sandwich and crackers. Drink – We know how important it is for children to drink regularly during the day and the children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, labelled with water in it to keep them hydrated during the day. Clothes – We ask that your children’s belongings such as jumpers, coats, cardigans and P.E. bags are clearly labelled with their names – lots of items go missing throughout the year !!!!

4 HOMEWORK Monday- Spelling to practise daily (tested following week) Tuesday - Maths (return Thursday) Thursday- English (return Monday) Times tables to practise daily (tested following week Reading-daily and recorded in reading log

5 The National Curriculum sets out what your child is to learn and when. New Curriculum Y6 AUTUMN – WW1 SPRING – Rivers SUMMER – The UK

6 Teaching and assessing the new National Curriculum What else has changed? The new curriculum was introduced in September 2014 for Years 1,3,4,5 and Sept 2015 for Years 2 and 6 The expectations are considerably higher for any given year group. For example: English  Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling. Mathematics  By the age of nine, children will be expected to know times tables up to 12×12.  Use standard multiplication & division methods for up to 4 digits

7 What about those National Curriculum levels ? These have been scrapped now and we are now using steps. School Year Expectations Beginning Beginning + Working within Working within + Secure Secure + Schools are able to choose their own arrangements for assessment, although they will still have to track progress and report it to parents. track progress and report it to parents

8 Thank you for coming to the assembly. We hope we have answered all of your questions. If not feel free to come and speak to us.

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